The Story of a Country Store: Charles Schreiner General Merchandise 1869 – 1969


By J. Evetts Haley. Illustrated by Harold Bugbee.

Charles Schreiner’s Country Store, The 100th Year

The old-time country store was a memorable institution of the far frontiers. Unpretentious but open and honest it was a genuine American Institution, close to the soil and its simple people, warmly responsive to their elemental tastes and needs.

Around its shin-warming stoves, sometimes banked with slow-whittled shavings and usually bespattered with tobacco juice, the country-side gathered and passed the time in sociable and civilized fashion.

Across its counters flowed the priceless ingredients of all great businesses of its day – mutual trust and understanding, honest goods backed with integrity, and ample credit advanced against character.

That their easy ways failed to withstand the devastating impact of modern life may be an indictment of the times instead of them. But their essential character can be preserved and capitalized to enhance the assets of a progressive community is ably illustrated by one that translated its pioneer principles into modern methods to survive. This is its story, sketched broadly into the history of its people and its land.

For a hundred years the institution founded by Captain Charles Schreiner, at Kerrville, has served the needs of the people of the Hills of Texas, as well as the hosts of hunters and the seekers of recreation now swarming “that-a-way.”

Only four men have served as President of the company – Captain Schreiner, his son A. C. Schreiner, and his two grandsons, the late A.C. Schreiner, Jr. and his brother, that man of affairs, lover of the unspoiled Hills, and fair and forthright gentleman, W. Scott Schreiner.


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A Century ago such men as these tore this untamed land from savage men and the ruthless elements. They came and stayed. Their descendants, still close to the range of cattle and horses in this frugal but fascinating land, have a saying – “After all, blood will tell.”

Additional information

Weight 0.725 lbs
Dimensions 6.25 × 9.5 × .5 in
The Story of a Country Store: Charles Schreiner General Merchandise 1869 - 1969
The Story of a Country Store: Charles Schreiner General Merchandise 1869 – 1969