Map Collection Index
The Haley Memorial Library map collection contains a variety of territorial, topographical, state and world maps along with vintage ranch maps from various collections.
Map Collection Index
- Small Maps and Photocopy File (up to 11×17) Cabinet 24
- Texas Drawer 1
- General State Maps
- B. City and County Maps (See Box 11 for sectional highway maps (undated) and County Atlas -1884-1926) Box 11
- XIT- Capitol Freeehold & Investment Co. LTD. Drawer 4
- Fort Lancaster Drawer 4
- Pecos County (Williams Collection blueprints)
- Specialized Texas Maps
- Cattle Trails/Mail Routes Drawer 4
- Military Maps Drawer 2
- New Mexico (and AZ-NM Maps)
- State Maps Drawer 3
- Arizona
- State Drawer 3
- Oklahoma/Indian Territory Drawer 3
- USA Drawer 3
- California
- Mixed
- Geologic Atlas of the United States. a (Contains only Okla. and Texas)
- National Forest, Monuments, Lakes and Recreational Areas, Box 7
- General
- Texas Lakes and Recreational Areas
- Topographical Maps
- Indexes
- 1:250,000 (22×34). 1”=4m, Box 1
- 1:250,000 (16×20). 1‘=4m, Box 1
- 1:125,000 (30 Minute Quad). 1”=2m, Box 2
- 1:62,500 (15 Minute Quad). 1”=1m. Discontinued, Box 3
- 1:24,000 (7.5 Minute Quad) 1”=2,000’, Box 4
- Other
- U.S Base Maps and County Outlines, Folder
- Topo Plastic Raised Relief Maps, Drawer 7
- World
- Rubini Collection
- RNM Collection-Vertical File; Small, Medium and Large Small Folders Various
Filed according to size, see Inventory - CWW Collection
- DLT Collection
- Flat Files
- Full Collection Inventory
- JEH – Highway
- Highway Maps – General Drawer 6
- Aerial Photographs and Aeronautical Maps
- NASA Photographs
- USDA Photos, Box 8
- Midland, Texas aerial photos
- Aeronautical Charts, Box 9
- National Geographic Society Map Collection West End (Located at the far West end of building )
Location Code
Large Flat File – This metal cabinet will hold up to 32×43
Medium (Cabinets) – will hold up to 24×35. Also the gray boxes.
Small File – will hold up to 11×17 in 12×18 pockets.
Filed in the metal Flat File
MAP-LF. Large Folders, Drawers 1-10
MAP-LS. Large Sleeves, Drawers 1-10
Filed in the Cabinets
MAP-MS. Medium Sleeves
MAP-EN. Encapsulated or Framed
MAP-BX. Boxes (Numbered)
MAP-S. Photocopies and Small Maps
Filed with the Collection
MAP-DLT. DLT Collection
MAP-JEH. JEH Collection
MAP-CWW. CWW Collection
RNM-MAPS- RNM Collection
Other Locations
MAP-R. Rolled (Roll Storage Racks)
MAP-W. Warehouse
MAP-D. On Display
1. Small Map File
1. Military – Q-150, From Austin to Fort Craig, Lt. Col. Hunt, 1869 (see MAP-LF, Drawer 3.19) 11×17 photocopy
2. Military – Q-150, From Austin to Fort Craig, Lt. Col. Hunt, 1869 (see MAP-LF, Drawer 3.19) 11×17 photocopy in three reductions.
3. Military – Q-135, Fort Clark to Fort Stockton, (see MAP-LF, Drawer 3.18) 11×17 photocopy
4. Military – Q-135, Fort Stockton to Fort Chadbourne (see MAP-LF, Drawer 3.18) 11×17 photocopy
5. Military – Q-135, Fort Stockton to Fort Davis, (see MAP-LF, Drawer 3.18) 11×17 photocopy
6. Military – Q-196, Trail between Fort Griffin, and Ft. Concho and Ft. Bascom, 1872 (see MAP-LF, Drawer 3.24) 11×17 Photocopy
7. Military – Parts of Texas, Mexico and New Mexico, Col. Shafter, 1875 (not shown in Military section)
8. Military – Pope’s Springs. Sketch exhibiting newly Discovered Springs prepared by Capt. John Pope, 1858, 11×17
9. Military – Topographical Map of …by General Crook against Chiricahua Indians, 1883 (see MAP-LF30 ) 11×17 photocopy
10. Cattle Trails – Complete copy of Haley’s Goodnight-Loving Trail, 11×17 photocopy
11. Military – Col. R.S. Mackenzie’s Scouts across the Staked Plains of Texas and New Mexico, 1872. by Ernest Wallace and Mike Spiller, 1962. 11×17 photocopy
12. Trails – Western Pony Express Trails incl. Butterfield’s Route, 1960, Hamlin, Shaw, Ellenbcker, Kane, Remsburg. 11×17 photocopy
13. Military – Topographical Reconnaissance Map of the Comanche Trail, by Lt. Echols, 1859, by Campbell and Field in WTHA, 11×17 photocopy
14. Trails- The Best and Shortest Cattle Trail from Texas, Kansas Pacific Railway, 11×17 photocopy
15. TX – Llano Estacado, 1993 Michael Harter, Harter and Kerr, 11×17 photocopy
16. OK – Oklahoma Territory, 1903, Frank Bond, 11×17 photocopy
17. TX – State of Texas for Taylor, Babcock & Co. Lands sale of 3,000,000 acres in Panhandle, 11×17 photocopy
18. Trails – Butterfield Overland Mail Route, no source, 11×17 photocopy
19. AZ-NM-TX – Outline maps of AZ, NM and TX counties w/ names, 11×17 photocopy
20. NM – State of New Mexico, 1882-3, Cram, Chicago. 11×17 photocopy
21. Railroad – Map of the Frisco System, 1905 from Hilton’s “Texas Along the Frisco”, 11×17 photocopy
22. UT – Gray’s New Map of Utah by Frank Gray, 1883- most of the eastern half, 11×17 photocopy
23. AZ-NM – Arizona and New Mexico, 1883, 11×17 photocopy
24. AZ – Arizona by Elliott, 1884, additional information from the back of map, 11×17 photocopy
25. TX – (Texas) Missions and Journeys of the Abbe Em Domenech, 1858, 11×17 photocopy
26. OK – Oklahoma State Highway System, 1925, 11×17 photocopy
27. Route Map of Col. Meline’s” Two Thousand Miles on Horseback”, 1866. 11×17 photocopy
28. TX – Texas, 1856, from Yoakum’s History of Texas, 11×17 photocopy
29. TX – Big Bend Soil and Water Conservation District maps, Brewster, Toyah-Limpia, Rio Grande, Big Bend, and Highland. Excellent for locating ranches in the Big Bend area. 11×17 photocopy
30. TX, – Midland (in Tom Green County) 1844. 11×17 photocopy
31. TX – Spanish Texas, 1805-1819, 11×17 photocopy
32. NM – Several quad maps of S.E. NM, Jal, Eunice, Eddy and Lea Counties. Quad maps (see full NM Quad map book) 11×17 photocopy
33. TX – Southern Cattle Fever Map, nd. 11×17 photocopy
34. TX – The Staked Plain of North-West Texas Showing the Location of Artesian Wells Theron, 1890. 11×14 photocopy
35. TX – Map of XIT Ranch Lands, (three sheets) 8 ½ x 11 photocopy
36. NM – Census maps of NM from “Map Guide to the U.S. Federal Censuses, 1790-1920”, William Thorndale and William Dollarhide, 1987 8 ½ x 11 photocopy
37. TX – State of Texas, Creuzbauer, 1851, see Library for original) 8 ½ x 14 photocopy
38. NM – Four maps of NM Counties from Aztec: A story of Old Aztec from the Anasazi to Statehood” 8 ½ x 11 photocopy
39. TX – Texas and part of New Mexico, 1857, shows early forts 8 ½ x 11 Photocopy
40. Trails – Cattle Trails, Trips, Treks”, based on Joe McCoy, by T.U. Taylor, 8 ½ x 11 photocopy
41. TX – The Southwest of John H. Slaughter,1969, Arthur Clark, by Baker, in a book by A. Erwin, 8 ½ x 11 photocopy
42. NM – Lincoln, New Mexico, Principal Locations, 1878. 8 ½ x 11 Photocopy
43. TX – Highways West of the Pecos. 1932, 8 ½ x 11 photocopy
44. NM – New Mexico, Southwest corner.8 ½ x 11 photocopy
45. AZ – Arizona, W. W. Elliott, 1884, reprint, 1964, color, two sides 12×17
46. AZ – Arizona Territory, drawn for Dewey & Co. Mining and Scientific Press, 1881, with adv. on sides, photocopies taped together, 12×18
47. – Arizona, prepared for R.J. Hinton’s handbook of Arizona, 1878, reprint, 1954, photocopies taped together, 12×18
48. TX – Springs of Texas, original set of nine maps from “Springs of Texas”, Vol.I, Gunnar Brune, 2002. and one set of photocopies.
Maps #1-8 = 10 x 10 ½ . Map #9 = 17 ½ x 19
Map #1. Archeological Features Found Near Springs
Map #2. Generalized Map of Spring Aquifers
Map #3. Hot and Warm Springs
Map #4. Mineral Springs Used for Health Purposes
Map #5. Nineteenth Century Trail and the Major Springs Which Served Them
Map #6. Eighteenth Century Trails and the Major Springs Which Served Them.
Map #7. Seventeenth Century Trails and the Major Springs Which Served Them.
Map #8. Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Trails and the Major Springs Which Served Them.
Map #9. Location of Springs and Seeps
49. TX – Texas Compiled from the latest and best Authorities. Some trails hand-drawn on map. 11 x 16 ½
50. US – United States, original from a History of the United States, pages 27-30, printed both sides, color, 10×16
51. TX – Map of Bexar County, General Land Office 1889. Menger Hotel, John H. Bolton Auctioneer, Maverick Printing House, San Antonio. 12 ½ x 12 ½ (photocopies made at 125%) Map is somewhat fragile – use photocopies
52. Africa – Outline Map of Dr. Carl Peters Zambesia Expedition, torn, 14×14
53. TX – The Panhandle of Texas in Pioneer Days, American Assoc. of Univ. Women, Amarillo, 1925, Isabel Robinson copies, 9 ¼ x 12
54. OK – Oklahoma and Indian Territory, 1891, shows Guthrie as Capital. On back “Beautiful Oklahoma, Information regarding New Indian Lands Recently Opened to Settlement”, original printing, 12×15
55. AZ – Military Posts in Arizona, 1850-1890, Frank A. Shilling, 1955, 10×14
56. MX – Missions of Sonora, 1614-1826, 8 ½ x 11
57. TX – Agricultural Map of Texas, 1880, R.H. Loughridge, 9 x 11 ½
58. TX – Map of State of Texas, No. 13, Mitchell’s School and Family Geography, computer printout 8 ½ x 11
59. TX – JA Ranch, 7 ½ x 9
60. TX – Littlefield Maps:
1. Littlefield, Lamb County, 9 ½ x 10 ½
2. Geo. W. Littlefield’s Ranch, located on State Capitol Leagues 657-736, situated in Lamb and Hockley Counties, 2 copies, 8 ½ x 11
3. Littlefield’s Subdivision, State Capitol Leagues 657-687, situated in Lamb County, 3 copies, legal description on back, 9 ½ x 11
61. TX – East Texas Historical Association letterhead. Map used as background may be useful, 8 ½ x 11
62. Trail – The Overland Trail, The California and Oregon Routes to the Golden West, 5×8
63. TX – Texas, John Watts Pub. nd but before about 1900, The Dayton Mfg. , Dayton, poor photocopy, 11×17
64. TX – Rivers and Creeks of the Panhandle, nd, 8 ½ x 11
65. AZ – Arizona, Sketch map for “Ambush at Coscopera Canyon”, English Westerners Version of Arizona, nd, 8 ½ x 11
66. TX – Index to Rand McNally Standard Indexed Map With Air Trails, Texas, 84 page index, 1929. 4×9
67. World – Hammond’s International Map of the World, Guide Book, 16 pages. 1957, 9 ½ x 12
68. AZ – Rand McNally, Indexed County and Township Map, Arizona, 4×7 pocket booklet size. 1883 Map is folded, 14×21
69. AZ – Clason’s Arizona Green Guide with Road and Railway Maps, 1921, Pocket booklet w/ map, printed both sides, 21×28
70. TX – The News’ Complete Map of Texas, 1912, Hammond’s Complete Railroad and County Map of Texas w/ 1910 census of Texas, pocket size, 28×30
71. NM – Clason’s Guide Map of New Mexico, 1918, pocket size booklet with missing cover, fragile and torn, 17×18
72. TX – Texas, published by the Texas Almanac and State Industrial Guide, nd, folded pocket size, covers missing, dist. by Texas Power and Light Co.,14×20
73. Africa – A Map of the Great Forest Region Showing the Routes of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition from the River Congo to the Victoria Nyanaa, by Henry M. Stanley, 1890, torn and one small piece missing, 23×41
74. CO – Rand McNally Main Highway Map of Colorado, and Colorado Railroads, printed two sides, 21×28
75. TX – Rand McNally Junior Auto Road Map of Texas, folded in pocket size booklet, presented by Borderland Auto Co. Sierra Blanco, TX., 12×18
76. TX – Texas, Rand McNally Main Highway Map of Texas, also Rand McNally Standard Map of Texas showing railroads, nd, 27×39
77. TX – Rand McNally Standard Map of Texas showing railroads. Also Main Highway Map of Texas w/ principal trails. 27×39 ½
78. TX – Rand McNally Shippers Railroad Map of the United States, El Paso Section, 1891. “General Superintendent’s Office”, Folds to 8 1/2 x 11 in book form, 43 ½ x 67
2. Texas
A. State maps (MAP-LF-Drawer #1)
TX- Texas w/parts of adjoining states, comp. By Stephen F. Austin, Pub. By H.S. Tanner, 1837, Photoprint, 26×32 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Texas, w/ Parts of Adjoining States, comp. By Stephen F. Austin, pub. by H.S. Tanner, 1837, c. 1840 (2 copies) color print = 22×27 ½ and photoprint 20×24 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Map of the Southwest, 1881, Southwest Immigration Co., reprint, 24×26 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Correct Map of Texas, Galveston, Harrisburg & San Antonio Railroad, original. 15×19 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Texas, John Arrowsmith, 1841, 2 copies, reprints, 20×24½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Texas, David H. Burr, 1835, mounted photo copy, 17×20 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Standard Map of Texas, Rand McNally, with Railroads and the Standard Map of Texas, Rand McNally, with Air Trails, two sides, 34×36½ Check SM for Index | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Texas, Lone Star State, 1992, Rand McNally, 20×21½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- State of Texas from Physiographic Diagram of U.S., A.K. Lobeck, 2 copies, 11x`17 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Texas, 1836-1936, A Sesquicentennial Edition of Pioneer Times, 1983, Thomas Walker 28×32 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- New Map of Texas, J.H. Young, 1837, reproduction, 19½x23 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Texas, Texas Almanac, photocopy, 17×20 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- West Wing of Texas, 1880 by CWW, blueprint, 17×24 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Map of Texas in 1830 showing Spanish Colonies, Photostat, 18×21 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- South Central States, NGS. Close-up, U.S.A. Series, 1974, 23×35 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Texas State Map compiled from official State Highway Dept. Map, June 1936, “Poll Texas Paid for 1938, JEH”, blueprint, 24×31 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Complete Detailed Map of Texas, All Counties, Post Offices, Railroads, Railroad Distances, etc, Geo. Cram Co., c. 1920 with census figures on back., Casner Motor Co. adv. 24×34 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Texas, from Yoakum’s History of Texas, 1856, 13×17 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Rand McNally’s New Map of Texas, for Burke’s Texas Almanac, 1882, photocopy from a very fragile original in TCM Collection, Ford Papers, #1.1196. 20×26 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Texas, David H. Burr, adv repro. 1833, 11×14 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Johnson’s New Map of the State of Texas, by Johnson and Ward, 1864. Pages 43 and 44. sleeved, 18×26 | MAP-MS |
TX- Johnson’s New Map of the State of Texas, by Johnson and Ward. 1865. Page 47-48. sleeved, 18 x 16 ½ | MAP-MS |
TX- Texas, (untitled) Rand McNalley, for Leon & H. Blum, Importers, Galveston. 1886, sleeved, 28×31 | MAP-LS, Drawer #7 |
TX- Rand, McNally & Co.’s Texas, showing railroads, 1892, sleeved, 18 x 28 | MAP-LS, Drawer #7 |
TX- The Texas and Oklahoma Official Railway & Hotel Guide Map. Texas Railway Guide Co., sleeved, 23×23. | MAP-LS , Drawer #7 |
TX- A new map of Texas, Oregon and California, Mitchell, 1846. with a 3×5″ booklet, “Accompaniment to…” included, sleeved, 21×22 ½ | MAP-LS, Drawer #7 |
TX- Clason’s Guide Map Texas and Northern Mexico,. “Trail of Loving and Goodnight retraced under Col. Goodnight’s direction, July 24, 1925 at Goodnight Ranch, Evetts Haley.”, sleeved, 21×28 | MAP-LS, Drawer #7 |
TX- State of Texas Map, c. 1882, showing railroads. Bancock Land Sale in Panhandle sleeved, 19×25 | MAP-LS , Drawer #7 |
TX- Texas, 1856. from Yoakums’ History. Map by Colton. Facsimile. sleeved, 15×18 | MAP-LS , Drawer #7 |
TX- Map of Spanish Texas, sleeved, 14 ½ x 18 | MAP-LS , Drawer #7 |
TX- New Commercial Atlas Map of Texas, Rand McNally, showing railroads. Two sides. Original of the reproduced map of the Goodnight Trail, Traced by Goodnight and Haley, , 1925, 27×39, sleeved | MAP-LS |
TX- Asher and Adams, Texas, 1871, 17×24 ½, sleeved | MAP-MS |
TX- Texas, Colton, #35, 1855, reprint, 16×19 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Johnson’s, Texas, 1866, Pages 51-52. sleeved, 18×26 | ? |
TX- Sesquicentennial map of Texas, 1986, Battles of the Texas Revolution, rolled | MAP-R |
TX- Hammond Railroad Map of Texas w/ 1890-1900-1910 Census, rolled | MAP-R |
TX- Pictorial Historical Map of Texas, Hoffman and Walker, rolled | MAP-R |
TX- Texas, 1957. General Land Office (fragile and torn) (2), rolled | MAP-R |
TX- Texas 1959 General Land Office, rolled | MAP-R |
TX- The State of Texas, 1836-1845, David Burr, pub. by Fisher, New York, 1846. (Texas Highways series), reproduction, encapsulated, 20×24 | MAP-EN |
TX- Map of Texas and the Countries Adjacent by William Emory, 1844 (Texas Highways), encapsulated, 20×24 | MAP-EN |
TX- New Map of the State of Texas, Colton, 1856, shows the Erskine Trail Through Texas, framed. 19×28 | MAP-EN |
B. City and County Maps (MAP-LF)
TX- Sweetwater (city), 16½x17 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Winkler, General Highway Map of Winkler County, 1956, Texas State Highway Department, 24×31 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Winkler, General Highway Map of Winkler County, 1936, Texas State Highway Department, 24×31 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Midland County Road Map & Voting Precincts, 1976, 18×20 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Winkler, General Highway Map, Winkler County, 1972, Texas State Highway Department, 18×25 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Midland, City of Midland Voting Precincts, 1978, 20×24 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Winkler, Plat of Wink, Winkler County, 1927, Albert Smith Jr., 15½x17 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Lubbock, City of Lubbock, 1954, Southwest Map & Blueprint and Lubbock County, 1954, Southwest Map & Blueprint, 20×40 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Midland (Chamber) City Map, 13×17 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Randall and Armstrong Counties, 18×26 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Hutchinson County, General Highway Map, Hutchinson County, 1941, Texas State Highway Department, 18×25 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Tom Green County, 1892, E. Schutze, Blue print, 42×47 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Midland Street Guide, Al Boring, 1962, 17×22 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Midland, 1978, 18 ½ x25 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Crane, Upton, Pecos Counties, Proposed Horsehead Crossing-Castle Gap Park, Photocopy, 19 ½ x16 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Pecos County, Blocks 11 & 12, Houston & Great Northern Rail Road Surveys, Phelps, 1891, 20×33 | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- Winkler, Topo Map of Scarborough Oil Field, Winkler County, Showing S. W. Richardson Properties, 1934 Photostat, 17 ½ x22 ½ | MAP-LF-Drawer 1 |
TX- El Paso by Anson Mills, 1860, sleeved, 16 ½ x 22 | MAP-MS |
TX- Pecos, Sectional Map of Pecos County, Clayton and Jesse Williams, extensive notes on back sleeved, 19×24 | MAP-LS, Drawer #7 |
TX- Pecos, West Central Pecos County, 1963 (2), rolled | MAP-R |
TX- Ft. Stockton, Highway 290 West of Ft. Stockton, 1964 (2), rolled | MAP-R |
TX- Pecos, Central Pecos County Land Ownership Map (3), rolled | MAP-R |
TX- Pecos County Land Ownership Map, 1963 (7), rolled | MAP-R |
TX- Pecos, Some Clayton Williams Property, rolled | MAP-R |
TX- Terrell County, 1925, Clayton Williams, rolled | MAP-R |
TX- Maps of all Texas Counties, Wolf & Bennett, Tulsa, Dates range from 1885-1926. Disbound, 14×17 | MAP-BX #11 |
TX- Divisions (or Districts) 1-15, State, undated, loose sheets, 56 sheets (duplicates) Highway Maps, 11×16 | MAP-BX #11 |
C. XIT – Capitol Freeehold & Investment Co. Ltd. (MAP-LS)
THESE ARE FRAGILE. Not for casual use.
XIT- The Capitol Freehold & Investment Co Ld, Dallam & Motley Counties, Panhandle of Texas – very large and extremely fragile 5 sections of this map, in five folders . 21×41 MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Panhandle, 10 ½ x14 MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Parmer County, 12×25 MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Untitled, 12×27 ½ MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Untitled, 12×20 ½ MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Untitled, 8 ½ x10 ½ MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Estate of John V. Farwell, 1914, 10 ½ x14 MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Untitled, 8 ½ x11 MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Deaf Smith and Parmer Counties, 11×16 MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Untitled, 12×28 MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Untitled, 12×28 MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Misc. photocopies, 11×28 MAP-LF-Drawer 4
XIT- Map of XIT Ranch, Trav B. Shaw, checked by J.E. Haley. nd, tracing, enclosed, 12×28 MAP-EN
XIT- Sketch Plan of Buffalo Springs, Texas, David B. Braid, 1886, enclosed, 14×31 MAP-EN
D. Fort Lancaster (MAP-LS)
These are all blueprints from Saunders Collection, 24×35 MAP-LF-Drawer 4
TX- Ft. Lancaster Historic Site, Overview showing 8 sheets, 1972
TX- Ft. Lancaster Historic Site, Vicinity Map, 1971
TX- Ft. Lancaster Historic Site, Vicinity Map, 1971
TX- Ft. Lancaster Historic Site, Vicinity Map, 1969
TX- Ft. Lancaster Historic Site, Vicinity Map, 1974
TX- Ft. Lancaster Historic Site, Sheet 1, 1972
TX- Ft. Lancaster Historic Site, Sheet 2, 1972
TX- Ft. Lancaster Historic Site, Sheet 4, 1972
TX- Ft. Lancaster Historic Site, Sheet 5, 1972
E. Pecos county, (Williams Collection – blueprints) (MAP-LF)
TX- Pecos, Water Right Transfer Map, 1973, prepared for J.C. Williams. One tracing and one blueprint, 13×24 MAP-LF, Drawer #8
TX- Pecos, Ownership Map Abell Permian & Four C San Andres & Clearfork Fields, Pecos Co. Texas, drawn for C.W. Williams, 18×22 MAP-LF, Drawer #8
TX- Pecos, Blueprint of highway project in Pecos County. Federal Project No. I10-2(27)259, Sheet 4A. 22×36 MAP-LF, Drawer #8
TX- Pecos, Blueprint of highway project in Pecos County. Federal Project No.I10-2(27)259) Sheet 4, 22×36 MAP-LF, Drawer #8
F. Specialized Texas maps
(Some are in individual folders) MAP-LF-Drawer 2 and 11×17
Large Folder
TX- Upton, Conservation Plan Map, Upton County, TX, Lewis Smith Ranch, Photostat, 18×23 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- Permian Basin Wildcat Map, Mar, 1977, 26×28 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- Permian Basin Wildcat Map, Jan 1978, 26×28 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- San Patricio & Aransas Counties, Coleman-Fulton Pasture Co., , 1891, 12×20 ½ MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- Southwestern Trails & Rivers (Breaks of the Balconies, Stovall, 1967, 17×20 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- Pipe Lines & Oil Fields, West Texas & NM, 1941, 19×21 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- Reeves, Map Showing Locations of the Rustler Springs Sulfur Deposits, Univ. of TX Bulletin #1722, Plate 9, Reeves County, 17 ½ x19 ½ MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- Early Texas locations & trails from 1690-1762, near San Antonio, tracing, prob. by CWW, Fragile, 15×20 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- Geology Surface Map, Leon Valley Area, Is this NW of San Anonio??nd, 24×30 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
NM- Socorro County, NM, Topographical Map, Saunders, 15×16 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
NM- Topographical Map, Area Adjacent to NM School of Mines, Saunders, 15×16 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- Literary Map of Texas, 1955, Dallas Public Library, 23×28 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- A Literary Map of Texas, with book list, 1976, map by Kenneth Brown, list by Lois A. Hudgins, Map = 23×26, booklet = 9×23. MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- Randal, Part of Palo Duro Canyon , Block 6, Randall County, Bureau of Forestry, USDA, 1905, Two copies, blueprint, one with notations, 20×27 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- Surface Water Development, Existing Reservoirs and Recommended Projects, Plate 1. 1990, 2 copies, 17×17 MAP-LF, Drawer #1
TX- Boundary Between the United States and Mexico. Emory, Weyss, 1855, cloth mounted, Plate #29, 27×40 MAP-LF,
TX- A Map of the JA ranch situated in Armstrong, Briscoe and Doneley Counties, Texas, 1921, blueprint with notations, sleeved 36×38 MAP-LS Drawer #7
TX- Permian Basin Gas Processing Plants – 1961, rolled MAP-R
TX- Map of the Staked Plains of North-West Texas, showing the location of Artesian Wells Theron, 1890, framed, 8 ½ x 11 MAP-EN
TX- Llano Estacado, 23×36 (in separate folder) MAP-LF, Drawer #1
3. Cattle Trails / Mail Routes (MAP-LF)
Showing Early Trail from Dodge City Southwest Through Part of Five States, taken from Gov. Survey, 1827, comp. By Dock Anshutz, c. 1884. Photostat, 15×23 ½ | MAP-LF-Drawer #4 |
Trails in NM on a 1927 NM Map. 17 ½ x21 | MAP-LF-Drawer #4 |
The Range & Ranch Cattle Areas of U.S., 1884, photocopy -17 ½ x18 ½ | MAP-LF-Drawer #4 |
Map of the Cherokee Strip Indian Territory (land) Leased by the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association from the Cherokee Nation, 1883, Photostats, (in two pieces), 14 ½ x18 and 17 ½ x18 | MAP-LF-Drawer #4 |
Map of Trails in Runnels, Coleman, McCullogh, Concho, Bexar, Taylor, and Coleman Counties. Primarily at the confluence of the Concho and Colorado Rivers. 1897, M.E. Ragsdale. | MAP-LF-Drawer #4 |
Pioneer Trails of Hemphill County, 1970, printed, 18×24 | MAP-LF-Drawer #4 |
Map of a Portion of Oklahoma Showing the Location of the Chisholm Trail, printed and a photocopy, 8×30 | MAP-LF-Drawer #4 |
Map of a Portion of Oklahoma Showing the Location of the Old Texas Cattle Trail Chronicles of Okla, 1933, in two sections, Photostats, 8×30 | MAP-LF-Drawer #4 |
Cow Outfits on the South Plains, in 1890, E.H. Price, 1930, May Price Mosley, 1966, 18×24, blueprint and 18×24 printed copy | MAP-LF-Drawer #4 |
Sleeved | |
Map of California, Oregon, Texas, and the Territories adjoining with routes etc. Colton, 1849. sleeved, 19×122 ½ | MAP-MS |
Map of the Butterfield Overland Mail Route, over the Southern Route and the Lines followed over the Central Route. Conkling, 1947. Sheet 1. sleeved, 19 ½ x 22 ½ | MAP-MS |
Map of the Butterfield Overland Mail Route, over the Southern Route and the Lines followed over the Central Route. Conkling, 1947, with a portion of the Old Santa Fe Mail Route. Sheet 2. sleeved, 20×25 ½ | MAP-MS |
The Best and Shortest Cattle Route from Texas to the Kansas Pacific Railway, 1871, “The Great Texas Stock Route”, sleeved, 10×17 | MAP-MS |
The Best and Shortest Cattle Trails from Texas, Kansas, Pacific Railway, faded photocopy – and a good photocopy1, 15 ½ x21 ½ | MAP-LF-Drawer #4 |
In separate folder Early Trails, tracing of Montana Trail, and other Panhandle Trails. Trav B. Shaw, Checked by JEH, 20×30 | MAP-LF, #4 |
Map of Western or Dodge City Trail | Drawer #4 |
Map of Central Texas showing the location of the Western Cattle Trail (2 copies) | Drawer #4 |
Map of a portion of Kansas showing the location of the Western Cattle Trail | Drawer #4 |
Map of southwestern Nebraska showing the location of the Western Cattle Trail | Drawer #4 |
Map of north of Ogallala showing the location of the Western Cattle Trail | Drawer #4 |
4. Military Maps (MAP-LF)
Check the Photocopy File before pulling these. Several have 11×17 photocopies.
Military – #1: U.S. 318 Flat. No. 6. Part of MAP of the States of Kansas and Texas and IndianTerritory Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army, 1867, Photostat,17 ½ x23 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #2: Fort Stockton in center, Faher’s Ranche, Camp Hudson, Wild Horse Tanks and Mustang Ponds at corners, very faded. Dept. of Texas 2,Record Group 393. Photostat, 18×26 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #3: Dup. Rds. 130, part of MAP and Profile from the Red River to the Rio Grande;from Explorations and Surveys, Capt. John Pope and Lt. Kenner Gerrard,1854-6. Photostat, 16 ½ x23 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #4: MAP of the route to the Indian Villages on the upper Brasos (sic)made inJune 1851 by Col. Casper & Major Sibley, drawn by Major Sibley,Photostat, 17×22 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #5: Q-562, March from Ft. Stockton to Haymond by Lt. T.C. Woodbury,16th Inf. 1886 and March from Ft. Stockton to Del Rio by Lt. F.O. Johnson,3rd Cavalry, 1886. Record Group 77. Photostat, 18×26 ½ | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #6: Military – MAP of the Rio Grande Frontier, by Capt W.H. Livermore,Prop. of Gen. G.H. Grierson. Record Group 393, Dept of Texas 6.Photostat, 18×27 Also photocopy of same from Mrs. Shipman’s book, Taming the Big Bend. 16×26 ½ | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #7: Q-95-1, MAP of the Topog. Recon. of a part of North-western Texas, 1859-60,Wm. H. Echols, 5th U.S. Infy. Record Group 77, Duplicate, in two sections.Photostats. 18×23 ½, Also same on Photostat. 18×27 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #8: Q-287. MAP of Scout made by Capt. A.G. Brackett…on the Great ComancheWar Trail in April and May 1859, Photostat. Also photo copy of same,10×13 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #9: Q-153, Journal (only). Route from San Antonio to Fort Concho, 1870.Capt. J. Rendlebrook, 4th Cav. Photostat, 2- sheets, 17×18 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #10: Q-155. >MAP of part of Texas and New Mexico showing the March of an Indian Expedition under Command of Major A.P. Morrow, 9th Cav.Drawn by Lt. G. Valvis, 9th Con. 1870, Photostat, 14 ½ x22 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #11: Concho. Camp Colorado in center. 12×12, Photostat. Also Journal of theMarch of Company G, 4th Cav. Capt Joseph Rendlebrook from Fort Conchoto Camp Charlotte, Photostat, 14×15 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #12: Report of Lt. C. Ward, 10th Cav. of March from Laguna Sabinar to MonumentSprings, NM. (Note attached -“Shafter Expedition”), Photostat, 3 sheets,8×13 ½ | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #13: Journal of a March of Company G, 4th Cav. from Fort Concho to CampCharlotte. Concho Letter Book, Scouts, Lt. Palmer,4×8 title page, Photostat and 9 ½ x22 MAP, | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #14: Itinerary of a scout made by A Company under Lt Thomas C. Sebo, 1875.Photostat, 4- 8×11 sheets, | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #15: Tracing showing fresh water openings found on Summit of Llano Estacado,near 32nd parallel and halfway between Pecos River and Mustang Ponds.Topo. Bureau, Letters Received, P-1858. Photostat, 12×17 ½ | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #16: Army, Vol 220. Appears to be from a ledger describing the following Posts:Camp Verde, Fort Stockton, Fort McKavett, Fort Griffin, and Fort Concho. | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Column headings containing useful information are:
Name of Post Sheets ave. in size: Photostats, 7×15 up to 11×15. The following MAPs or drawings accompany this file: | |
Military – #17: Dept. of Texas “Shafter, 1875” on back (This may be Q-306), Photostat, 24x31Also a portion of same, Photostat, 10 ½ x16 ½ | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #18: Q-135, Topographical sketches of routes from: 18A. Fort Clark to Fort Stockton, Photostat, 18×24, Ozalid Print, 24×36 MAP-LF-Drawer 2 18B. Fort Stockton to Fort Chadbourne Ozalid print, 25×34 MAP-LF-Drawer 2 18C. Fort Stockton to Fort Davis, Ozalid print, 16×25 MAP-LF-Drawer 2 by Lt. Col. E.J. Strang, 1867. Large Ozalid prints, very poor condition. MAP-LF-Drawer 2 | |
Military – #19: Q-150. MAP showing the Route taken by Government Train accompanying the15th Rgt. Inf. from Austin to Fort Craig, NM. July to Dec. 1869.Prepared under the direction of Lt. Col. Thos. B. Hunt. Ozalid prints, verypoor condition. (see note under #18) 3 photostats 18×27, Ozalid print 27×66 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #20: Trails Made and Routes Used by the Fourth U.S. Cavalry under command ofGeneral R. S. Mackenzie in its operations against hostile Indians in Texas,Indian Territory (now Oklahoma), New Mexico and Old Mexico during theperiod of 1871-2-3-4- and 5. Compiled from Military and other Surveys.Prepared by E.D. Dorchester, Freeport Texas, 1927. Blueprint,19×24 (printed) and 35×38, | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #21: Topographical MAP of Country Traversed by the Command of GeneralGeorge Crook, 1883, blueprint, 18×33 and photocopy,17×29 (one from DLT) | MAP-LF. |
Military – #22: Q-196, Trail of a Scout between Fort Griffin and Ft. Concho, Texas and Ft.Bascom,NM by Lt. Chas. Morrison, 1872 Ozalid , very faded and fragile,28×38 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
Military – #23: MAP of Parts of KS, IT, TX & NM, 1875. US War Dept., The IndianCampaign on the Staked Plains, 1874-1875 (PPHS, Canyon, 1962,Joe Taylor) , printed, 22×30 | MAP-LF-Drawer 2 |
(Sleeved or Rolled) | |
Military – #24: MAP showing the different routes traveled over by the Detachments of theoverland command in the Spring of 1855 from Salt Lake City, Utah to theBay of San Francisco. Senate Ex. Doc. No 1, 1st Session, 34th Congress.sleeved, 19 ½ x 25 | MAP-LS. |
Military – #25: Mackenzie MAP of 1871-75, redrawn by Dorchester, 1927, rolled | MAP-R. |
5. New mexico
A. State Maps (MAP-LF)
NM- Vermejo Ranch, NM, 12×18 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Map of the Military Dept. of NM, Brig, Gen. James H. Carleton & Capt. Allen Anderson, 5th Inf, 1864 (Horn & Wallace) 2 copies, 18×25 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Quay County NM, (a montage made up of photocopies), 18×22 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Rand McNally (Atlas) PM#) (fragile) (shows Red Bluff Dam), 21×28 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Nuevo Mexico, 1776-1789, by John L. Kessell for Albuquerque. Bicentennial Comm.25×38 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Sectional map of Colfax and Mora Counties, NM, 18989, Edward Rollander, Draughtsman,Denver | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Geologic Map of Albuquerque Country, Stuart Northrop and Arlette Hill, 1962, 23×29 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Geologic Map of the Rio Chama Country, Clay T. Smith & William R. Muehlberger, 1950, 23×25 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Territory of NM, Lt. Parke, Col. Munrow Drawn by R.H. Kern, 1851 fromForts & Forays by J.A. Bennett, 16×21 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Official Road Map of NM., 1947, 14×19 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM-UT- Territories of NM & Utah, J.H. Colton, 1855, reprint, 12×18 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
TX- Downtown El Paso, Locations involved in the Selman Story, 1894-1896, by RNM, 1952, orig. and one blueprint copy, sleeved, 20×24 | MAP-LF |
NM- Sketch of Public surveys of NM, 1861, (incl. present AZ), A. P. Wilbar, sleeved, 30 ½ x22 | MAP-LF |
NM- Territory of NM, 1879, C. Roesar, Draughtsman, printed by Bien, N.Y.),sleeved, 26 ½ x33 ½ | MAP-LF |
NM- Reconnaissance & Elevation Map of Southeastern NM, 1913, USGS,Walter B. Lang, photocopy 14×30 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Map of Boarding House & Merritt Mines, Socorro County, NM, 1934, original, 18 ½ x22 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Dewey & Hill Mining Claims, Socorro County, NM, 1934, original, 18×22 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NM- Contour Map of Four Corners Area (UT,CO,AZ, NM) Showing Bedded Uranium Deposits, 1953, printed, 29×35 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
Capitan Peak, 1934, Jan 13, blueprint, (w/ JEH notations), 26 ½ x20 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AZ-NM- County Map of Arizona and New Mexico, Plate 56, 1874, sleeved, 12×15 | MAP-MS |
NM- Sketch of Public Surveys in New Mexico to accompany Report of Surveyor General1855, Pelham, Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 1, 34th Cong. 1st Ses., sleeved, 8 ½ x 11 ½ | MAP-MS |
NM-UT- Johnson’s’ California Territories of New Mexico and Utah, Johnson and Ward, 1854.sleeved, 18×26 | MAP-MS |
NM- Asher & Adams New Mexico, Plate 135-136. 1873, sleeved, 17 ½ x 24 | MAP-MS |
NM- New Mexico (one side) and Washington (reverse side), Geo.Cram, 1881 ,sleeved, 13 ½ x 11 | MAP-MS |
NM-WA- New Mexico (one side )and Washington (reverse side), Geo. Cram, 1883,sleeved, 13 ½ x 11 | MAP-MS |
AZ-NM- County and Township Map of Arizona and New Mexico, 1887, S. Augustus Mitchell,Plate 92, sleeved, 22 ½ x 15 | MAP-MS |
NM- Territory of New Mexico, 1879, Dept. of Interior. sleeved 26 ½ x 33 ½ | MAP-LS |
NM- Sketch of Public Surveys in New Mexico, 1861. sleeved 22×31 | MAP-LS |
6. Arizona
A. State Maps
AZ- Arizona, from R.J.Hintons Handbook of AZ, 1878, 12×18 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AZ- Official Map of the Territory of AZ, 1889, E.A. Eckhoff & P. Priecker, Civil Engineers, 17 ½ x22 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AZ- Map of Ariz. Terr. Drawn for Dewey Co. 1881, Mining Districts, Mining & Scientific Press, Supplement., 12×18 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AZ- Trails of Conquest, Spanish Arizona, 1536-1821, Geo. M. Avey, Cartographer, Comp. by R.K Wyllys, 9×13 ½ | MAP-LF |
AZ- Ariz. & NM, drawn b Frank A. Gray, 1883, p. 154, and Gray’s New Map of Utah, Frank A Gray1883, p. 153, 14×17 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AZ- Arizona Territory, 1881, Gerald Shipley, 1969, 17×22 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AZ- Southern Arizona, traced from map dated 1879, Dir. By Lt. Fred A Smith, 12th Inf, by Paul Riecker, (traced by G.H. Schneider, 1927), 15×23 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AZ- San Carlos Indian Reservation, 1961, BIA , blueprint, 16×28 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AZ- Official Relief Map of Pima County, AZ, 1922, F.F. De Merse , cloth, 19×33 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AZ- Prescott, AZ Terr, 1880 by Don Bufkin, pub, 1963, 17 ½ x22 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
7. Oklahoma/Indian Territory
A. Territory Maps
OK- Logan County, 22 ½ x29 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- Map of Parts of Kansas, Indian Terr, Texas and NM, 1875, 22×30 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- Shawnee, OK, 1993, street map, and Gen. Highway Map of Pottawatomie County, 23×27 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- Map of Indian Territory & Oklahoma, 1890 (Julius Bien), 24×36 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- Indian Territory, 1898, Dept. of Int. Chas Fitch, Topographer, 23×29 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- Historical Map of Oklahoma, 23×35 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- Treasure & Historical Map of Oklahoma, 1970, R.J. Cecil (2 copies), 23×35 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- Early Map of Washington County showing Trails and Historical Sites Prior to 1907 J.W. Green, 25×38 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- Map of the Indian Territory, Artifact Magazine, 1967, 23×35 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- Standard Map of Oklahoma, Rand McNally, nd, 19×26 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- General Highway Map of Cherokee County, Okla. Dept. of Highways, 18×30 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- An Illustrated Map of Okla. Country or the Indian Territory West of Arkansas, 1939, Vinson Lackey, 14×25 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- General Highway and Transportation Map, Tulsa County, 13 ½ x12 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- Map of Pottawatomie County, Pioneer Abstract , 13×17 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
OK- Johnson’s Indian Territory, 1880, 14×18 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 | |
Sleeved OK- A Map of the Indian Territory, Northern Texas and New Mexico, Showing the Great Western Prairies by Josiah Gregg, 1844, sleeved, 14×17. | MAP-MS | |
Individual Folder (fragile) OK- Map of the Cherokee Strip Indian Territory, 1882, Burge and Walton, reprint by First National Bank, Wichita, Kansas, very poor condition, 23×38 | MAP-LF, Drawer #4 |
8. United States
A. California
CA- Spanish Calif, a Map of the Missions, Presidios, Pueblos and some of the more interesting Ranchs, Westways, 1956, 32×46 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
CA- Map of Public Surveys in California to accompany report of Surveyor General, 1855, 32×38 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
B. Mixed States
MS- Historical Madison County, Homer Casteel., 15 ½ x19 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
IA- Dakota- #2 Sketch of the Public Surveys in Iowa & Dakota. Surveyor General, 1861, Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 1, 37th Cong. 2nd Sess., 19 ½ x21 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
LA- Map of Louisiana, 1851, R.W. Boyd, 18×19 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
IA- Public Surveys in Iowa, 1851, Geo. B. Sargent, 18×24 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
CO- Early Trails, Forts, & Battlefields of Colorado, Municipal Facts Magazine, LeRoy R. Hafen, 13×16 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AR- Historical Map of Arkansas, 1970, R.J. Cecil., 23×29 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AR- Pictorial Reviews of Fort Smith Arkansas, (Photos only). 22 ½ x28 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
NV- Deek Gladson Map of Nevada Ghost Towns, 1962, G. M. Miller, 24×35 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
AR- Arkansas, 1853, Geo. Milbourne | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
US- Great Plains Highway, Canada to Mexico over the Old Cattle Trails, Gallup Map, 9×28 | MAP-LF |
KS- Map of Kansas, State Board of Agriculture, 1883, 14×21 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
US- New Transcontinental Route of the Atlantic & Pacific RR and its Connections, 1883, G.W. & C.B Colton. 14×33 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
IL- Blanchard’s Map of Chicago and Environs, 1887, Photostat, 23×32 | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
US- Santa Fe Trail, 1946, American Pioneer Trail Association, 2 copies, 18 ½ x24 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #3 |
US- U.S. Telegraphs Lines in CA,AZ,NM,TX, US Signal Corp. Report, 1878-79. 2 photocopies, 11×17 | MAP-LF |
US- Cartocraft Desk Outline Map, S/W US, #18184 | MAP-LF |
Encapsulated US- United States of America, John Melish, 1818. (Texas Highways) , encapsulated, 20×24 | MAP-EN |
Individual Folder (cabinet) US- Cerographic Atlas of the United States #3,Sidney Morse, Samuel Breese, NY, 1845. Maps of Massachusetts & R./I, Oregon, Mexico, Indian Territory, Pennsylvania, Kentucky-Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Indians, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa-Wisconsin, Texas, Californias (16 in all ). 18 ½ x 14 ½ | MAP-MF |
Rolled US- Survey Route for Pacific Railroad, 32nd Parallel between Rio Grande and Red River, Capt. John Pope, 1855, rolled | MAP-R |
Civil War Era Map Side One – Lloyd’s Map of the Lower Mississippi River from St. Louis to Gulf of Mexico, 1863 Side Two – Lloyd’s Map of United States, The Canadas & New Brunswick, Atlantic & Gulf Coasts, 1864, (Large, rolled in tube, two sided, needs a conservator to unroll and stabilize, possible value up to $2,000) Gift of John Donaldson, rolled | MAP-R |
C. Geologic Atlas of the United States.
This volume Contains only maps of Oklahoma and Texas. Department of the Interior, USGS, 1:125,000. Each Folio contains several pages of Description and a Topographic Sheet, Historical Geology Sheet and a Structure-Section Sheet. Library Editions. 18 ½ x22. | MAP-BX #13 |
TX- Uvalde Folio. Texas. Folio 64, 1900 | MAP-BX #13 |
TX- Nueces Folio, Texas, Folio 42, 1898. | MAP-BX #13 |
OK- Tishomingo Folio, Indian Territory, Folio 98, also contains Areal Geology Map. 1903 | MAP-BX #13 |
OK- Tahlequah Folio, Indian Territory – Arkansas, Folio 122, 1905, also contains Areal (sic) Geology Map and Columnar Section Sheet (3 copies) | MAP-BX #13 |
OK- Coalgate Folio, Indian Territory, Folio 74, (also contains Economic Geology sheet), 1901 | MAP-BX #13 |
OK- Atoka Folio, Indian Territory, Folio 79, (also contains Economic Geology Sheet) 1902 | MAP-BX #13 |
OK- Muscogee Folio, Indian Territory, also contains Areal (sic) Geology Map, 1906 | MAP-BX #13 |
9. National Forest, Monuments, Lakes and Recreational Areas
A. General
NM- Bandelier National Monument and Vicinity, 1953, scale 1:24,000, 40×52 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- Carson National Forest, 1975, scale ½” = 1 mile, 32×41 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- Carson National Forest, Recreation Map, 1968, scale 1” = 4 miles, 21×32 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- Cibola National Forest, Magdalena Ranger District, North Half, 1973, scale ½” = 1 mile, 28×36 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- Cibola National Forest, Magdalena Ranger District, South Half, 1973, scale ½” = 1 mile, 28×30 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- Cibola National Forest, Sandia-Mountainair Ranger Districts, 1968, scale ½” = 1 mile, 32×35 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- Cibola National Forest, Mount Taylor Ranger District and Zuni Mtns., 1974, scale ½” = 1 mile, 24×32 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- Cibola National Forest, Recreation Map, 1968, scale 1” = 7 miles, 28×32 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- Gila National Forest, 1974, scale ½” = 1 mile, 38×49 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- Lincoln National Forest, Guadalupe Ranger District, 1973, scale ½” = 1 mile, 26×30 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- Lincoln National Forest, North Half, 1921, 27×36 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- Santa Fe National Forest (2 copies), 1975, scale ½” = 1 mile, 33×40 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- State of New Mexico, 1967, scale 1:500,000, 50×56 | MAP-BX #7 |
NM- State of New Mexico, Areas of Responsibility and Land Status Map, 1972, scale 1:500,000, 50×56 | MAP-BX #7 |
B. TEXAS Lakes and Recreation Areas
TX- Lake McClellan, 1961, 21×23 ½ | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
TX- Amistad Recreation area (JEH notations on back), 17 ½ x24 | MAP-LF, Drawer #1 |
10. Topographical Maps
Combined Topo Map Inventory
The 7 ½ Minute mapping of the U.S. has been completed. The 15 Minute maps are no longer made.
7 ½ Minute Quadrangle Maps – 1:24,000 scale (1 inch = 2,000 ft.)
15 Minute Quadrangle Maps – 1:62,500 scale (1 inch = 1 mile) – Discontinued
30 Minute Quadrangle Maps – 1:125,000 scale (1 inch = 2 miles)
National Topographic Maps, 1:250,000 Series (1 inch = 4 miles)
State Map Series = 1:500,000 Scale (1 inch = 8 miles)
1:1,000,000, 1 inch = 15.74 miles
Sectional Maps 1:2,000,000 Scale
United States Base Maps (various scales)
A. Topo Map Indexes (MAP-SF #2)
1. Texas, Mar 1966
2. National Topo Maps 1:250,000.October 1967
3. New Mexico, Oct 1963 (2 copies)
4. New Mexico, Sep 1975
5. National Topo Maps, United States, 1:250,000, Jul 1976
6. Colorado, Feb 1980
7. Colorado, Feb 1980
8. Texas, Jan 1976
9. Arizona, Apr 1970
10. Arizona, mar 1958
11. Arizona, Nov 1974
12. Arizona, Aug 1975
13. Arizona, Jan 1960
14. New Mexico, Jan 1969
15. New Mexico, Nov 1959
16. New Mexico, Feb 1980 (2 copies)
17. Topo Maps of U.S., Jun 1959
18. Index to Southern California Topo Maps. Westside Map Co., nd.
Map # | State(s) | Title | Dates | Scale | # Copies |
2851-IV | CA | Pinkham Well | 1947 | 1:250,000 | |
NG-14-2 | TX | Laredo | 1956,1967 | 1:250,000 | |
NG-14-5 | US-MEX | McAllen | 1956 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-12-1 | AZ | Lukeville | 1963 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-12-2 | AZ | Nogales | 1956,1969 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-12-3 | AZ-MX | Douglas | 1959,1970 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-12-3 | US-MX | Douglas | 1955 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-13-1 | NM | El Paso | 1965 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-13-1 | TX-NM | El Paso | 1959,1973 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-13-2 | TX | Van Horn | 1954,1975 | 1:250,000 | 2 copies |
NH-13-3 | TX | Pecos | 1954,1963 | 1:250,000 | 3 copies |
NH-13-5 | TX | Marfa | 1959,1975 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-13-6 | TX | Ft. Stockton | 1954,1973 | 1:250,000 | 2 copies |
NH-13-8 | TX | Presidio | 1959,1969 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-13-9 | TX | Emory Peak | 1959,1967 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-14-1 | TX | San Angelo | 1954 | 1:250,000 | 2 copies |
NH-14-2 | TX | Brownwood | 1954,1974 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-14-4 | TX | Sonora | 1954,1964 | 1:250,000 | 4 copies |
NH-14-5 | TX | Llano | 1954,1975 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-14-7 | TX | Del Rio | 1958,1969 | 1:250,000 | 2 copies |
NH-14-8 | TX | San Antonio | 1954,1964 | 1:250,000 | 2 copies |
NH-14-10 | TX | Eagle Pass | 1958,1969 | 1:250,000 | |
NH-14-11 | US-MEX | Crystal City | 1956 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-11-3 | US | Kingman | 1958 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-11-8 | CA | Santa Ana | 1969 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-11-9 | CA-AZ | Salton Sea | 1959,1964 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-11-11 | CA | San Diego | 1958-1970 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-11-12 | CA-AZ | El Centro | 1958,1969 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-1 | US | Williams | 1960 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-3 | NM-AZ | Gallup | 1954,1962 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-4 | AZ | Prescott | 1959 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-5 | AZ | Holbrook | 1954,1963 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-6 | AZ-NM | Saint Johns | 1954,1970 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-7 | AZ | Phoenix | 1959,1969 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-8 | AZ | Mesa | 1954,1969 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-9 | AZ-NM | Clifton | 1954,1962 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-9 | AZ-NM | Clifton | 1954,1971 | 1:250,000 | 2 copies |
NI-12-10 | AZ | Ajo | 1953,1969 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-11 | AZ | Tucson | 1956,1969 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-12 | NM-AZ | Silver City | 1954,1970 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-12-12 | NM-AZ | Silver City | 1958 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-13-1 | NM | Albuquerque | 1963 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-13-2 | NM | Santa Fe | 1959 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-13-4 | AZ-NM | Socorro | 1962 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-13-7 | NM | Tularosa | 1954,1970 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-13-7 | NM | Tularosa | 1954-1962 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-13-8 | NM | Roswell | 1955,1972 | 1:250,000 | 2 copies |
NI-13-9 | TX-NM | Brownfield | 1954,1973 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-13-10 | NM-TX | Las Cruces | 1955,1962 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-13-11 | NM-TX | Carlsbad | 1954,1972 | 1:250,000 | 2 copies |
NI-13-12 | NM-TX | Hobbs | 1954,1973 | 1:250,000 | 2 copies |
NI-14-7 | TX | Lubbock | 1954,1965 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-14-7 | TX | Lubbock | 1954,1975 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-14-8 | TX-OK | Wichita Falls | 1954,1975 | 1:250,000 | |
NI-14-10 | TX | Big Spring | 1954,1975 | 1:250,000 | 2 copies |
NI-14-11 | TX | Abilene | 1954,1974 | 1:250,000 | |
NJ-12-9 | CO-UT | Cortez | 1956,1969 | 1:250,000 | |
NJ-12-12 | NM-AZ | Shiprock | 1954,1963 | 1:250,000 | |
NJ-13-7 | CO | Durango | 1945 | 1:250,000 | |
NJ-13-10 | NM-CO | Aztec | 1961 | 1:250,000 | |
NL-12-4 | MT | Butte | 1958,1977 | 1:250,000 | |
NL-12-7 | MT-ID | Dillon | 1955,1977 | 1:250,000 | |
NL-12-8 | MT-WY | Bozeman | 1958,1972 | 1:250,000 | |
NL-12-10 | ID-MT | Dubois | 1955,1978 | 1:250,000 | |
CA-NV | Ballarat | 1913,1927 | 1:250,000 | ||
NM | St Johns | 1892,1921 | 1:250,000 | 2 copies |
C. 1:250,000 – 16×20 (MAP-BX-1)
AZ-NM | St. Johns | 1892,1921 | 1:250,000 | |
AZ-NM | Fort Defiance | 1892,1910 | 1:250,000 | |
NM | Lincoln Nat. Forest | 1914,1948 | 1:250,000 | |
NM | Largo | 1895,1911 | 1:250,000 | |
AZ | Canyon De Chelly | 1892,1921 | 1:250,000 | |
CA-NV | Ballarat | 1913,1951 | 1:250,000 | |
CA-NV | Ballarat | 1913,1927 | 1:250,000 | |
CA | Lassen Peak | 1894,1914 | 1:250,000 |
D. 1:125,000 (MAP-BX-2)
2 copies
OK | Alikchi | 1901,1926 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Ardmore | `1901,1931 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Chickasha | 1904,1923 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Hominy | 1912,1927 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Kingfisher | 1895,1915 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Muskogee | 1901,1927 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Nowata | 1914,1932 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Nuyaka | 1901,1949 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Okmulgee | 1896,1927 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Pauls Valley | 1898 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | San Bois | 1909,1927 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Sallisaw | 1911,1951 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Tuskahoma | 1909,1929 | 1:125,000 | |
OK | Winding Stair | 1909,1928 | 1:125,000 | |
OK-AR | Talequah | 1898,1927 | 1:125,000 | |
OK-AR | Fort Smith | 1890,1931 | 1:125,000 | |
AR-OK | Poteau Mountain | 1899,1924 | 1:125,000 | |
AR-OK | Winslow | 1901,1927 | ||
TX-IT | Denison | 1901,1921 | 1:125,000 | |
IT | Lukfata | 1902,1917 | 1:125,000 | |
TX-IT | Montague | 1905,1920 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ-NM | Chiricahua | 1919,1940 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ-NM | Perilla | 1919,1920 | 1:125,000 | |
NM | Alum Mountain | 1913 | 1:125,000 | |
NM | Albuquerque | 1893-1914 | 1:125,000 | |
NM | Deming | 1915,1948 | 1:125,000 | |
NM | Galina | 1903 | 1:125,000 | |
NM | Lamy | 1894,1925 | 1:125,000 | |
NM | Las Vegas | 1893,1920 | 1:125,000 | |
NM | Las Cruces | 1893-1927 | 1:125,000 | |
NM | Morenci | 1915 | 1:125,000 | |
NM | Jemez | 1892-1925 | 1:125,000 | |
NM | Reserve | 1918 | 1:125,000 | 2 copies |
NM | Silver City | 1909 | 1:150,000 | |
AZ | Benson | 1915,1948 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Benson | 1915,1937 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Bradshaw Mountains | 1903,1946 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Cave Creek | 1930 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Congress | 1906.1948 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Florence | 1900 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Hereford | 1914,1946 | 1:125,000 | 2 copies |
AZ | Pearce | 1916 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Patagonia | 1905.1920 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Patagonia | 1904 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Perilla | 1919,1920 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Nogales | 1905,1916 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Nogales | 1905,1947 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | San Simon | 1917,1931 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Tucson | 1905,1932 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Tucson | 1904 | 1:125,000 | |
AZ | Turret Peak | 1929 | 1:125,000 | |
CA | Indio | 1904,1948 | 1:125,000 | |
CA | San Jacinto | 1901,1950 | 1:125,000 | |
CA | Yosemite | 1909,1914 | 1:125,000 | |
E. 1:62,500 (MAP-BX-3)
OK | McComb | 1910,1941 | 1:62,5000 | |
OK-KS | Kaw | 1935 | 1:62,500 | |
WA | Seattle | 1909,1922 | 1:62,500 | |
TX | Guadalupe Peak | 1940,1949 | 1:62,500 | |
TX | Hood Spring | 1917 | 1:62,500 | |
TX | Ft Stockton | 1921 | 1:62,500 | |
TX | Mineral Wells | 1927 | 1:62,500 | |
TX | Marathon | 1921,1949 | 1:62,500 | |
TX | Santiago Peak | 1917 | 1:62,500 | |
TX | Sierra Madera | 1923,1949 | 1:62,500 | |
CA | Coalinga | 1956 | 1:62,500 | |
CA | Edom | 1944 | 1:62,500 | |
CA | Mt. Shasta | 1899,1924 | 1:62,500 | |
CA | Palm Desert | 1959 | 1:62,500 | |
CO | Silverton | 1955 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ-NM | San Simon | 1950 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ-NM | Vanar | 1951 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Bisbee | 1910,1936 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Blue House Mtn. | 1946 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Bylass | 1960 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Chloride | 1944 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Camel Back | 1906,1942 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Cane Springs | 1954 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Clarkdale | 1944 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Cibeque | 1961 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Douglas | 1914 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Diamond Butte | 1943 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Ft. Thomas | 1960 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Ft. McDowell | 1906,1948 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Globe | 1902,1940 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Jackson Mtn. | 1946 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Mingus Mtn. | 1947 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Mt. Graham | 1945 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Paulden | 1947 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Prescott | 1944 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Simmons | 1947 | 1:62,500 | |
AZ | Sierra Bonita Ranch | 1940 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Black Top Mountain | 1948 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Columbus | 1917,1920 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Canutillo | 1919 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Camel Mountain | 1913 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Chicken Well | 1948 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Las Cruces | 1941 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Dwyer | 1956 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Hachita | 1918 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Hillsboro | 1940,1949 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Kaylor Mountain | 1948 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Lake Valley | 1962 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Lordsburg | 1936 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Mt. Riley | 1918 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Organ Peak | 1943,1948 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Pratt | 1919 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Malpais Well | 1848 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Parker Lake | 1943,1948 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Socorro | 1909 | 1:62,500 | 2 copies |
NM | San Lorenzo | 1956 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Sowell | 1948 | 1:62,500 | |
NM | Salinas Peak | 1948 | 1:62,500 | |
NV-AZ-CA | Davis Dam | 1950 | 1:62,500 | |
MT | Bozeman Pass | 1951 | 1:62,500 | |
MT | Bozeman | 1953 | 1:62,500 | |
MT | Grant | 1959 | 1:62,500 | |
MT | Virginia City | 1950 | 1:62,500 | |
MT | Varney | 1949 | 1:62,500 |
F. 1:24,000 (MAP-BX-4)
NM | Jaralosa Mtn. | 1965 | 1:24,000 | |
NM | Montoya Butte | 1964 | 1:24,000 | |
NM | Monticello | 1961 | 1:24,000 | |
NM | Santa Rita Special | 1909 | 1:24,000 | 2 copies |
NM | Sierra Fijardo | 1961 | 1:24.000 | |
NM | Steel Hill | 1964 | 1:24.000 | |
NM | Tyrone District | 1922 | 1:24,000 | |
NM | Vicks Peak | 1964 | 1:24.000 | |
NMN | Wheeler Peak | 1963 | 1:24,000 | |
NM-TX | Diamond Y Spring NW | 1974 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Belding NE | 1970 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Belding NW | 1970 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Houston Ranch | 1966 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Coyanosa SE | 1974 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Diamond Y Spring SE | 1974 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Diamond Y Spring NE | 1974 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Diamond Y Spring NW | 1974 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Diamond Y Spring | 1974 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | East Mesa SW | 1970 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Fort Stockton, East | 1970 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Iatan | 1952 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Lucian Wells Ranch | 1966 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Natural Dam Lake | 1966 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Saddle Butte | 1970 | 1:24,000 | |
TX | Vincent | 1951 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Borrego Sink | 1959 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Borrego Mountain | 1960 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Borrego Palm Canyon | 1959 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Bucksnort Mt. | 1960 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Fonts Point | 1959 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Clark Lake | 1959 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Collins Valley | 1959 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Clark Lake NE | 1960 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Hot Springs Mt. | 1960 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Kane Spring NW | 1956 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Oasis | 1956 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Rabbit Peak | 1959 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Ranchita | 1960 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Shell Reef | 1959 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Seventeen Palms | 1956 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Tubb Canyon | 1959 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Warner’s Ranch | 1960 | 1:24,000 | |
CA | Warner Springs | 1959 | 1:24,000 | |
CO | Howardsville | 1955 | 1:24,000 | 22×27 |
CO | Silverton | 1955 | 1:24,000, | 22×27 |
CO | Handies Peak | 1955 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | Ash Creek Ranch | 1966 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | Ash Creek NE | 1966 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | Canelo Pass | 1948 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | Cypress Butte | 1967 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | Dugas | 1967 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | Huachuca Peak | 1958 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | O’Donnell Canyon | 1948 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | Pyeatt Ranch | 1958 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | Tombstone Dist.. | 1906 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | Tule Mesa | 1967 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | Verde Hot Springs | 1967 | 1:24,000 | |
AZ | Wet Bottom Mesa | 1967 | 1:24,000 | |
MT | Alder | 1963 | 1:24.000 | |
MT | Bannack | 1952 | 1:24.000 | |
MT | Copper Mountain | 1963 | 1:24.000 | |
MT | Eli Spring | 1952,1976 | 1:24.000 | |
MT | Elton | 1951 | 1:24.000 | |
MT | Livingston | 1951 | 1:24.000 | |
MT | Mission | 1957 | 1:24.000 | |
MT | Ruby Dam | 1963 | 1:24.000 | |
G. Other
TX La Porte 1920,1925 1:31,680 |
Non-US Topo Maps.
1. NH-12 Sonora 1937 1:1.000.000 American Geological Society, of New York, – DLT, Not a USGS map. 2. Reconnaissance and Elevation Map of S. W. New Mexico – 1936,1953, 1:253,0401” = 4 miles. |
H. U.S. Base Maps and County Outlines (MAP-LF)
1. U.S. Base Map, USGS, (shows names of counties), blueprint, 27×40 MAP-LF, Drawer #3
2. Texas Counties (outlines and named), 3 copies, 15×15 MAP-LF, Drawer #3
3. U.S. Base map, USGS, 1965, 1”=50 miles, 42×64 ½ MAP-LF, Drawer #3
4. Arizona Topo Map, Gift of JEH 1985, 1:500,000, 1933 MAP-R
5. Colorado Base Map 1980, 1:00,000, 42×54 MAP-LF, Drawer #3
6. San Juan County, Colo., 1975, 1:50,000, 36×40 MAP-LF, Drawer #3
I. Topo Plastic (Raised) Relief Maps (MAP-LF-Drawer #9)
Carlsbad, NI-13-11, 22×34 MAP-Drawer #9
Roswell, NI-13-8, 22×34 MAP-Drawer #9
Las Cruces, NI-13-10. 22×34 MAP-Drawer #9
Fort Sumner, NI-13-5, 22×34 MAP-Drawer #9
Silver City, NI-12-12, 22×34 MAP-Drawer #9
Tularosa, NI-13-7, 22×34 MAP-Drawer #9
Clifton, NI-12-9, 22×34 MAP-Drawer #9
NASA Aerial Photo Ft. Stockton, Marathon, Sanderson Area, 28×30 MAP-Drawer #9
11. World Maps
- Carte De La Louisiana Et Du Cours Du Mississipi (sic), 1745, Ph Buache, 20×27 LF, Drawer #3
- Ameriqlue Septentrionale Monseigneur Le Davpin, 24 ½ x36 LF, Drawer #3
- Etas-Unis D’Amerique (mounted Photostat), 17×21 LF, Drawer #3
- New Map of the World showing the Course of Sr. Francis Drake From a Compleat Collection of Voyages, John Harris, 15×22 ½ LF, Drawer #3
- Carte Du Royaume De Congo Du Monomotapa Et De La Cafrerle, 1719, reprint, 18×21 LF, Drawer #3
- Map of the Texas, Topolobampo & Pacific Railroad & Telegraph Co., Albert Von Motz, 1883 24×32 LF, Drawer #3
- Humble Oil & Refinery Co. Map of US and Mexico, Gulf Coast Territory #33288, HPDE 6137, 33×34 LF, Drawer #3
- Historic Forts of the West and Trails, American Revolution Bicentennial, 1976, 22×35 LF, Drawer #3
- Standard Highway Mileage Charts, 3 copies, not a map, 15 1/2×36 LF, Drawer #3
- American Airlines System Map, 10×23 ½
- The World, Rand McNalley, 13 ½ x20 LF, Drawer #3
- Map of Vera Cruz & Isthmus R.R. Booklet, c. 1908, 14 ½ x27 LF, Drawer #3
- Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada, 18×18
- Carolina, 1690, Reproduction, 17×17
- Map of Mexico including Yucatan & Upper California Exhibiting the Chief Cities and Towns, the Principal Travelling Routes, etc. Derby & Miller, 1851 (1847). sleeved 2 1/2 x 28 MAP-LS, Drawer #7
- Carte Contenant le Royaume du Mexique et la Floride, Chatelain, 1718 (Texas Highways) Reproduction, encapsulated, 20×24 MAP-EN
- Messico ovvero Nuova Spagnache contiene If Nuovo Messico la California Zatta, 1785 (Texas Highways) Reproduction, encapsulated, 20×24 MAP-EN
- Iceland-Greenland, 1961. Gift of JEH 1985, rolled MAP-R
- Siberia – 1961, Gift of JEH 1985, rolled MAP-R
- Southern South America, 1961. Gift of JEH, 1985 rolled MAP-R
- Australia-New Zealand, 1961. Gift of JEH, 1985, rolled MAP-R
- Alaska – 1961. Gift of JEH, 198, rolled MAP-R
12. Rubini Collection
A set of 21 maps donated by Dr. Rubini and appraised in 1982 at $6,745.00 by Joel Fletcher, Lafayette LA. Filed as MAP-LF-Drawer #8 in the Metal Map File and in the large Gray Box in the Haley Archives Room.
- Profile of Rocky Mountains ca. 1850, some repairs, generally fair condition. Rolled in large box 10×90.
- As above, Torn piece to be repaired, otherwise in generally good condition. Rolled in large box 10×90.
- Profile of Passes Cajon, San Fracisquito, San Gorgonio, Warners, some damage, piece missing otherwise in good
condition. 31 ½ x22 ½ - Profile of Passes, Walkers, Hum-pah-ya-mup, Tah-ee-chay-pah, New and San Fernando, damaged, piece missing.
29 ½ x20 ½ - Route of a Survey from the Pimas Villages on the Rio Gila to Mesilla on the Rio Bravo Del Norte with a view to
determine the practicability of a Railroad from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean through that Region, made by Lt.
Jno. G. Parks, Corps of Eng. Under orders from the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Sect. Of War, 1854, drawn by H. Custer,
Asst. Lithographed by Bien and Sterner, 90 Fulton St., New York. A superb and important map. Tape stains and
repairs but in generally good condition. Rolled in large box. 28×67 ½ - Map of the Survey for the Pacific Railroad near the 32nd Parallel between the Grande & Red River. Made under the
orders of the Hon. Jefferson Davis, Sect. of War, by Capt. Jno. Pope, Topo. Engrs. Assisted by Lt. K. Garrard, 1st
Dragoons, 185. Drawn by Theo H. Oehleschlager, a superb and important map. Repairs, slight staining, but
generally good condition. 34 ½ x80. - Sketch Showing Newly Discovered Springs, Prepared by Capt. John Pope. Topo, Engrs. 1858 (in ink) 8×11
- Mexico & Guatemala, engraved by J.H. Young, original hand coloring, excellent condition, 9 ½ x 12 ½
- Mexico & Guatemala, published by Thomas Cowperthwait & Co., No. 253 Market Street, Philadelphia, 1850.
Some damage to the margins, otherwise in excellent condition . 13 ½ x17 - Map No. 1, Reconnaissance and Survey of a Railway Route from Mississippi River near 35th Parallel north Lat. To
Pacific Ocean Made under the direction of the Sect. Of War by Lt. W. W. Whipple, T. Eng. Assisted by Lt. J.C. Ives,
Top. Engr. and A. H. Campbell, Civ. Eng, 1853-4. Superb map, tape stains but generally in good condition. Rolled
in large box. 29 ½ x82 ½ - U.S. Coast Survey. A.D. Bache Supt. Preliminary Chart of the Entrance to Matagorda Bay, Texas. Triangulation
by S.A. Gilbert, Asst. Topography by S.A. Gilbert, Assist W. H Dennis and M. Seaton Sub-Assist. Hydrography
by the parties under command of Lts. J.C. Febiger and J. K. Duer, U.S.N. Assists, USCS, 1860. Port Lavaca and
Indianola shown, ship wrecks located. In very good condition,.22×30 - U.S. Coast Survey, A.D. Bache, Supt. Sketch I, Showing the progress of the Survey in Section No. 9, 1848-55,
1855, Excellent condition, 10 ½ x23 - Texas. As She Originally Was; As She Claimed To Be; and As She Actually Was at the Date of Her Annexation,
ca. 1855. Very interesting small map, excellent condition, 7 ½ x12 ½ - U.S. Coast Survey, A.D. Bache Supt. Sketch I showing the progress of the Survey in Section No. 9, 1848 to 1851,
some repairs but generally in very good condition. 7 ½ x12 ½ - Johnson’s Texas Published by A.J. Johnson, New York, 1866, Original hand coloring, excellent condition. Sleeved,
17×23 - U.S. Geological Survey, Copano Bay, Texas. From Coast Survey Chart, Thirteenth Annual Report, PL. XLIII,
George S. Harris & Sons, Lithographers, Philadelphia, Excellent Condition, 6×9 - U.S. Coast Survey, A.D. Bache Supt., Sketch I, Showing the Progress of the survey in Section 9, 1848-1852,
Excellent C0nditin, 8×11 - Preliminary Chart No. 31 of the Sea Coast of the United States from Galveston Bay to Matagorda Bay Texas, From
a Trigonometrical Survey under the direction of the Supt. of the Survey of the Coast of the United States.
Published in 1857, Excellent Condition. 20×36 ½ - A Map of the United States of Mexico as organized and defined by the several acts of the Congress of the Republic,
Constructed from a great variety of Printed and Manuscript Documents by H.S. Tanner, Second edition, 1834.
Original hand coloring. missing upper right corner, lower border, some restoration work. A scarce and important
map with many interesting details. 17 ½ x 28 ½ - U.S coast Survey. Benjamin Pierce Supt., Sketch I, Showing the progress of the Survey in Section No. IX, from
1848-1871, published in 1871. Some repairs, generally good condition. 17 ½ x21 ½ - No. 13. Map of the State of Texas. Engraved to illustrate Mitchell’s School and family Geography, published in
1846 by Augustus S. Mitchell in Pennsylvania, Original hand coloring, very good condition. 8×101/2
13. RNM Map Collection
- RNM-Vert-1 (Legal size vertical file in box)
- RNM-SF-1 (18×24)
RNM-MF-1 (20×30) - RNM-LF-1 (24×36)
- RNM-MSS (original mss maps mounted with Mylar cover)
NM- Lincoln NM, 1878, RNM, 1962, photocopies, 8 ½ x11 | RNM-Vert-1 |
NM- List of Locations to Accompany RNM Maps w/ several photocopies of maps, 8 ½ x 11 | RNM-Vert-2 |
NM- Fort Sumner, (from early map), 8 ½ x11 | RNM-Vert-3 |
NM- Portion of sectional map showing Lincoln, Fort Stanton, nd, 5 ½ x 14 | RNM-Vert-4 |
NM- Southern Colorado & Northern N. Mexico, showing William Blackmore’s land grant interests. Traced from 1876 map made by Blackmore, 8 ½ x 11 | RNM-Vert-5 |
NM- Map of Lincoln County (1878?), John Boylan, nd, glossy reproduction, not titled, on reverse “Keleher, William A., Violence in Lincoln County, 1869-1881,(1957), used as end papers of the books, 8×10 | RNM-Vert-6 |
NM- Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation, 1930, W.H. Walling, 8/8/1930, 7 ½ x 9 ½ | RNM-Vert-7 |
NM- Santa Fe & Vicinity, cut from Conoco Hwy. map, nd, 7 ½ x 9 | RNM-Vert-8 |
.NM- Map of the Mesilla Valley, small map; clipped from magazine, 4×5 ½ | RNM-Vert-9 |
NM- Area around Cloudcroft, small map clipped from magazine, 5×6 | RNM-Vert-10 |
NM- Lincoln Area, Section 29-TWP 9S-Range 16E, Section numbers added in red ink, nd, 8 ½ x 14 | RNM-Vert-11 |
AZ- Tombstone. Topo Map of Tombstone mining District and Richmond Townsite & Water Works, Pima County, A.T. S.M. Mills, 1879, 8 ½ x11 | RNM-Vert-12 |
AZ- Tombstone. OK Corral Vicinity, RNM, 1961, 6 copies, 9×11 | RNM-Vert-13 |
AZ- Tombstone. Directory of Historical & Famous spots in and around Tombstone (tourist), 9 ½ x24 | RNM-Vert-14 |
AZ- “Arizona’s Lost Country of Pah-Ute, 1865-1871”, comp. and drawn by Don Bufkin, nd, 8 ½ x 11 | RNM-Vert-15 |
AZ- “The Colorado River Delta”, Don Bufkin, 1976, shows part of Arizona, through Mexico to Gulf of California, 8 ½ x 11 | RNM-Vert-16 |
AZ- Routes of Early Explorers, Arizona. Edward M. Barr; source: “Arizona, It’s People & Resources” U. of Arizona, Press, 1960, 8×10 | RNM-Vert-17 |
AZ- First Survey Map of Cochise Co., describing area adjacent to Tombstone, Arizona, portion of …by John A. Rockfellow; published by Tombstone Restoration Commission, nd, 7 ½ x 9 | RNM-Vert-18 |
AZ- Tombstone Area mines, in 4 parts, nd, 8 ½ x 11 and smaller | RNM-Vert-19 |
AZ- “Prescott, Arizona, 1976”, black and white xerox copy from unidentified sketch, nd, 8 ½ x 14 | RNM-Vert-20 |
MIL- “Sketch of the Probable Route of March of General Kearney’s Army…from Rio Grande to “Santa Rita Copper Mines, in October 1846.” George Ruhlen, July 5, 1955, 9×11 | RNM-Vert-21 |
TX- Small portion cut from a hwy. map, Fort Davis, Van Horn, Alpine area, typewritten notes by RNM, 9×10 | RNM-Vert-22 |
TX- Texas map from an 1873 Atlas, Newspaper clipping , 8×22 | RNM-Vert-23 |
TX- Colton’s new map of the State of Texas, 1883, (Presidio Co. from a larger map), shows Fort Davis area, 8 ½ x 11 | RNM-Vert-24 |
TX- Sketch map of Texas Panhandle Area, copied from map used in TEXAS by Wm. Kennedy, 1925 (reprint), in pencil: by Alexander Lee Rand, 1827, 9 x 10 ½ | RNM-Vert-25 |
TX- Frontier of the Fifties, Cisceros, typo by Hertzog, 5 ½ x 8 ½ | RNM-Vert-26 |
GEN- Map of Goldfield, Esmeralda County, Nevada, by John Hagel; plat map with advertisements, 8 ½ x 13 | RNM-Vert-27 |
GEN- Western Territories in the Forties…principal routes of Exploration, np. nd, 8 ½ x 13 | RNM-Vert-28 |
GEN- Ohio map, 1822, by Luke Drury, 8 1/2 x 9 ½ | RNM-Vert-29 |
HWY- Small portion of hwy. map showing Lordsburg, Silver City, Truth or Consequences, etc. ink notes, Warm Springs, Alamo Old Trail Battle, etc., 7×10 | RNM-Vert-30 |
NM- Lincoln, 1955, RNM, 1 neg 6×13; 1 photo print 7 ½ x 12; 3 photocopies | RNM-Vert-31 |
AZ- Chiricahua National Monument folder, 8 ½ x 18 | RNM-Vert-32 |
Small folders
NM- Lincoln. Photocopies of RNM Lincoln Maps, various sizes | RNM-SF-1 – Box #5 |
NM- Lincoln County Locations, John Boylan, 9 ½ x12 ½ | RNM-SF-2– Box #5 |
NM- Lincoln. Map of Chaves, Lincoln & Eddy Counties, NM, 1901, #62, 3 copies, 17×19 | RNM-SF-3– Box #5 |
NM- Lincoln NM Prior to 1878, Lola M. McCall , printed, 13×24 | RNM-SF-4– Box #5 |
NM- Lincoln NM July 19, 1878, Three Day Battle, RNM, 1955 (a different version that #4 above) 12×21 ½ – 3 copies;12x 24 ½, blueprint; 8×14 film negative, 9×11 film negative | RNM-SF-5– Box #5 |
NM- Lincoln. Principal Roads …traveled by Billy the Kid, RNM, 1955, 4 Photo prints; 7 photocopies, 4 film negatives, 11×14 | RNM-SF-6– Box #5 |
NM- Lincoln County, general hwy. map, New Mexico State Hwy. Dept. 1954, pencil notations . 2 copies, 20×31 | RNM-SF-7– Box #5 |
NM- Lincoln County & Vicinity, 1869 to 1879, glossy reproduction, both dates added in ink, 11×13 | RNM-SF-8– Box #5 |
NM- Lincoln Area, mss map, 8 ½ x 14 | RNM-SF-9– Box #5 |
NM- Bonito, Ruidoso, Hondo, Penasco Rivers and Principal trails, tracing by RNM. 14×23 ½ | RNM-SF-10– Box #5 |
NM- Mescalero Apache of Ft. Stanton Indian Reservation, nd, glossy reproduction, 11 ½ x 13 ½ | RNM-SF-11– Box #5 |
NM- TWP 16S- Range 17E, of N.M. Principal Meridian, March 31, 1877, Surveyor General’s Office, in ink: “Penasco R. (East)”, Photostat, 16×20 | RNM-SF-12– Box #5 |
NM- Fractional TWP 16S-Range 16E., March 1877, Surveyor General’s Office, In ink: “Penasco R. (West)”, 17×20 | RNM-SF-13– Box #5 |
NM- “Course of Rio Feliz. Survey made for Jas. J. Dolan, March 1886,” shows area east of 16×20 | RNM-SF-14– Box #5 |
NM- Birdseye View of Las Vegas, NM, C.S. San Miquel County NM, 1882, pub. J.J. Stoner, Madison , Wisc. photocopy, w/ overlay 18×23 | RNM-SF-15– Box #5 |
NM-AZ- Johnson’s Hobby Map (SW NM & AZ) Fred E. Johnson, Mining Engineer, 1959 (Hidalgo sheet) p, 8-9, the Southwesterner, newsprint, 15 ½ x22 ½ | RNM-SF-16– Box #5 |
NM- Historical Trails through N.M. NM State Tourist Bureau, 1951, 17×22 | RNM-SF-17– Box #5 |
NM- Ghost Town Map of NM, Lucian A. File, 1964, p.10-11, The Southwestern, (NM, Northern 1.4) newsprint, 15 ½ x22 ½ | RNM-SF-18– Box #5 |
AZ- Tombstone. Historical Folder of Tombstone, Ariz. w/ business directory, map by C.M. Palmer, 1951, 4 copies, printed 2 sides, 14×17 | RNM-SF-19– Box #5 |
AZ- Tombstone, 1882, Terr. Of Ariz. Don Bufkin, 4 copies, printed, 14 ½ x20 ½ | RNM-SF-20– Box #5 |
AZ- Tombstone, Ariz. w/ adv. and other data for tourists, printed, 2 sides, 2 copies, 14×17 | RNM-SF-21– Box #5 |
AZ Tombstone, Then and Now Folder w/ map c. 1944 (with notations by Stuart Lake, 1956), 12×18 | RNM-SF-22– Box #5 |
AZ- Tombstone Map & Guide, C.M. Palmer, 1958 (tourist), 16×21 | RNM-SF-23– Box #5 |
AZ- Tombstone Vicinity & San Pedro River Mills, Don Bufkin, 11×15 | RNM-SF-24– Box #5 |
AZ- “The Pimeria Alta of Padre Kino”, comp., by Rev. Charles W. Polzer, S.J., drawn by Don Bufkin, nd, shows location of churches in Arizona & Mexico, 11×16 | RNM-SF-25– Box #5 |
AZ- Arizona maps, Negative Photostat, c. 1900, 2 sheets, #1= Cochise, Santa Cruz. #2= Pinal, Pima, Maricoba 11 ½ x 15 | RNM-SF-26– Box #5 |
TX- Plat of town of El Paso, Anson Mills, Surveyor, Jan-Feb 1859, 20 ½ x 17 ½ | RNM-SF-27– Box #5 |
MIL- Map of the Country between the Frontiers of Arkansas and New Mexico. Capt Marcy, 1849, printed 1975 by New Mexico State University 17×22 | RNM-SF-28– Box #5 |
MIL- “A Touched-up Copy of A War Department Map of 1867, FDR”, 10 ½ x 11 | RNM-SF-29– Box #5 |
MIL- Map of Military Reconnaissance of the Rio Pecos (as far as the Bosque Grande) under the command of Bvt. Captain Henry B. Judd, 3rd Artillery, surveyed & drawn by Richard H. Kern, 1850, reproduction, 13×16 | RNM-SF-30– Box #5 |
MIL- Old Territory & Military Dept. of New Mexico, War Dept. 1859, partially revised corrected to 1867, 15×22 | RNM-SF-31– Box #5 |
GEN- Lenea Divisoria Entre Mexico Y Los Estados Unidos, 1852, Jose Salazar Ilaregui.. (Photolithographic copy of Salazar Larregui’s Original Mexican Sheet No.29. Commission of 1853-55. Accepted and Adopted by both the United States and Mexico) Label: Gadsden Treaty Boundary Dispute, El Paso Area, Mexican Version of Map. 16×23 | RNM-SF-32– Box #5 |
GEN- Oklahoma Frontier Forts, Posts, & Trails of Indian Territory, State Hwy. Planning Survey Dept., nd, 11×16 | RNM-SF-33– Box #5 |
GEN- The Chisum Trail. Roswell Map Co. nd, 7 ½ x 16 | RNM-SF-34– Box #5 |
GEN- “The National Forest”, by Elizabeth S. Wallace, article in the Rand McNally Road Map Atlas of 1969, only 8 pp. 11×15 | RNM-SF-35– Box #5 |
GEN- El Paso Natural Gas Co. Pipeline Systems, 1959, 15 ½ x22 | RNM-SF-36– Box #5 |
AZ- Trails of Conquest Spanish Arizona, 1536-1821, R.K. Wyllys & Geo. M. Avey, 9×13 ½ | RNM-SF-37– Box #5 |
GEN- U.S. Telegraph Lines in CA, AZ, NM, TX, 1878-79, U.S. Signal Corps Report, photocopies, 2- 8 ½ x 14 ; 1- 11×17 | RNM-SF-38– Box #5 |
Medium Folders (Temporary file in Haley Archives Room)
NM- Lincoln, NM, Lincoln County War Period, RNM, 1950 (and copyright application), 9 copies blueprint, and several photocopies, 11×36 ½ | RNM-MF-1 |
NM- Lincoln NM, July 19, 1878, Three Day Battle, RNM, 1954, 2 blueprints, 12×46 ½, 8×18 Photostat (see important note on reverse side), Photostat, 6×23 | RNM-MF-2 |
NM- Fort Sumner. Set of six items from the War Department, Office of Chief of Engineers, Fortification File, Fort Sumner New Mexico (all are Photostats)A. Map of a Part of the reservation for Navajo Indians at Fort Sumner, NM, Gen. Carleton, Capt. Shinn, Dr. 142, Sheet 47, RG 77. 1-neg, 3 pos, 17 ½ x21,. B. Plan of Fort Sumner, NM ( 4 pos, 1-neg) 18×21 C. Fort Sumner, Indian Corral, 11×18 D. Fort Sumner, Chapel, 18×23 E. Fort Sumner, Officer Qtrs, Hosp, QM Corral, 16×23 F. Fort Sumner, View from the East Side, 16×20 | RNM-MF-3 |
NM- A Map of the “Gold Camp” Dona Ana County, NM, USA, not to scale, T.S. Cronk, M.E. Jan. 1900 or 1905, blueprint, faded, 28×35 ½ | RNM-MF-4 |
NM- New Mexico, c.1880 Photostat, one positive and one negative, El Paso is shown as Franklin, “This map after 1881”, 18×24 ½ | RNM-MF-5 |
NM- Birdseye View of Las Vegas, NM, 1882, J.J. Stoner 23 ½ x 18 | RNM-MF-6 |
NM- Tunstall Ranch Location, TWP 15S-R17E, Surveyor General’s Office, Henry Atkinson, “Feliz Gorman”, Photostat, March 17, 1884, 18×23 | RNM-MF-7 |
NM- Middle Pecos Country, Los Colonias to Bosque Grande, F. Meredith Jones, 1888, 2 sheets, Photostats, 17 ½ x 23 | RNM-MF-8 |
NM- Profile Map – Rio Penasco, from Pecos River to Mile 45, USGS, 1939, 3 sheets, 22×28 | RNM-MF-9 |
NM- Map of the Country near Fort Stanton, NM, shows route of Capt. Ewell’s march, 1854, War Dept, nd, 18×21 | RNM-MF-10 |
NM- Rio Grande & Pecos Valleys (Southern Sections) 1865, from Nat’l Archives, Photostat, 17×21 ½ | RNM-MF-11 |
NM- Southwestern New Mexico, 1883, published by Office of Chief of Engineers, Photostat, in two pieces, 17×22 | RNM-MF-12 |
NM- A.Z. Huggins Map of New Mexico, published by N.M. Stock & Agricultural Assoc., 1876, Photostat, 18×24 | RNM-MF-13 |
NM- TWP 15S-R17E & 18E, Surveyor General’s Office, March 17, 1884, in ink: “Feliz River”, “Feliz Dolan” and right half in Photostat, 16×24 | RNM-MF-14 |
NM- Lincoln Placita, 1867, Photostat, John A. Clark, T9S, R16E, 18×23 | RNM-MF-15 |
AZ- Tombstone. Tombstone AZ, circa 1881-82, c. 1971 John D. Gilcriese, Research by RNM, Cartography by Steve Bahre, 6 copies, 20×26 | RNM-MF-16 |
AZ- Tombstone, Arizona Territory, c. 1881-82, c. 1971, John D. Gilcriese, based on RNM 1916 sketch w/ 250 locations cited, mounted on board, 20×23 ½ (filed at bottom of this file) | RNM-MF-16A |
AZ- Tombstone, A.T., Business Section, May 1882. From original sketch, 1916 (RNM), copyright applied for 1950 by R.N. Mullin, Toledo, Ohio 4 copies – 16 ½ x 24 blueprints 4 copies – 16 ½ x 24 printed with legend on back (213 locations cited) | RNM-MF-17 |
AZ- Tombstone, AZ, a 3 sheet set of Sanborn Maps covering Tombstone, August 1882, very detailed photocopy, 18×24 ½ | RNM-MF-18 |
AZ-NM. Early Missions, Ruins & Pueblos in AZ and NM, 1929, Arthur Clark, by Earle A. Forrest & Max Mayer (from a book), 9 ½ x 27 | RNM-MF-19 |
AZ- Map of Tucson, 1862, by John B. Mills for Major D. Ferguson, 1st Cav. C.V., first map of Tucson, 2 copies, 17×25 | RNM-MF-20 |
AZ- “Map of the City of Tucson, Arizona”, Sanborn & Publishing Co. 1883, Facsimile for Valley Nat’l Bank, (14, Feb 1962), | RNM-MF-21 |
AZ- Arizona & New Mexico after 1881, numerous pencil notes, Photostat, and right half of same, 23×32 | RNM-MF-22 |
GEN- Map of the Butterfield Overland Mail Route, Sheet #1, R.C. Conkling, 1947, 2 copies one in negative and one in positive, 18×20 | RNM-MF-23 |
GEN- New Map of the United States of America, J.H. Young, 1856, Rand McNally, Reproduction, 1956, 4 copies, 17×27 ½ | RNM-MF-24 |
GEN- View of Chicago Harbor & Central Area, 1856, drawing detail of Palmatary’s Pictorial map of Chicago, Poster issued for Aldis & Co. with permission of Chicago Historical Society. 20×28 | RNM-MF-25 |
GEN- American Heritage Series: The New World, 1600, 18 ½ x23 | RNM-MF-26 |
GEN- American Heritage Series: The Dutch Dream of American Empire, 1635, 18 ½ x23 | RNM-MF-27 |
GEN- American Heritage Series; New France, 1745, 18 ½ x23 | RNM-MF-28 |
GEN- American Heritage Series: The Oldest Map of the New World, 1508, 18 ½ x23 | RNM-MF-29 |
GEN- American Heritage Series: A New & Correct Map of the US of North America, 1784, 18 ½ x23 | RNM-MF-30 |
MIL- Map of the Military Dept. of New Mexico, drawn by Capt. Allen Anderson, 1864, published by Horn & Wallace, nd 18×25 | RNM-MF-31 |
MIL- Ft. Stanton Area, 1876, upper sheet, US Military Map, RG 75-232, 18×25 ½ | RNM-MF-32 |
MIL- Ft. Stanton Area, 1876, lower sheet, US Military Map, RG 75-232, 18×25 ½ | RNM-MF-33 |
HWY- Official Road Map of New Mexico, New Mexico State Hwy. Dept. 1951 16 ½ x 20 ½ | RNM-MF-34 |
HWY- Official Road Map of New Mexico, New Mexico State Hwy. Dept. 1968 17×22 | RNM-MF-35 |
HWY- Official Road Map of New Mexico, New Mexico State Hwy. Dept. 1970 18×32 | RNM-MF-36 |
HWY- Road Map of New Mexico, Chevron Oil Co., 1966 18×27 | RNM-MF-37 |
HWY- Road Map of New Mexico, Chevron Oil Co., 1968 18×27 | RNM-MF-38 |
HWY- Highway Map of New Mexico, Phillips 66, 1962 18×27 | RNM-MF-39 |
HWY- Santa Fe Street and Vicinity Map, 1971 16×27 | RNM-MF-40 |
Large Folders
TX- El Paso, Down Town El Paso, Locations Involved in the Selman Story, 1894-1896, by RNM, 1952. tracing and blueprint, 21 x 29 ½ | RNM-LF-1 – drawer #5 |
NM- Lincoln. Map of Lincoln County, NM, compliments of Lincoln County Abstract, 22×23, 17 ½ x18 ½ | RNM-LF-2– drawer #5 |
NM- Lincoln as of 1908, from Sheet #19, Hondo Hydrographic Survey of 1908, Roswell Map and Blueprint, R.T. West Draftsman, 1949, w/ notations, 28×42 | RNM-LF-3– drawer #5 |
NM- Lincoln as of 1908, from Sheet #19, Hondo Hydrographic Survey of 1908, Roswell Map and Blueprint, R.T. West Draftsman, 1950, 42×56 | RNM-LF-4– drawer #5 |
NM- Map of part of Rio Felix, blueprint, faded, 16×41 ½ | RNM-LF-5– drawer #5 |
NM- Otero County, NM –Alamagordo, 20×22 ½ | RNM-LF-6– drawer #5 |
NM- Ghost Town Map of NM, Lucien A. File, 1968, NM Dept. of Dev., 23×29 | RNM-LF-7– drawer #5 |
NM- State of New Mexico, NM State Highway Dept., 1963, 33×37 | RNM-LF-8– drawer #5 |
NM- State of New Mexico, 1936, Dept. of Interior with many notations, 34×40 | RNM-LF-9– drawer #5 |
NM- Topo: Carlsbad, New Mexico, Texas, edition 1-AMS, Army Map Service, | RNM-LF-10– drawer #5 2-1957 24×34 |
NM- Topo: Roswell, New Mexico, edition 1-AMS, Army Map Service, 1-1957 24×34 | RNM-LF-11– drawer #5 |
NM- Recreation Map of Lincoln Nat’l Forest, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1959 21×32 | RNM-LF-12– drawer #5 |
AZ- State of Arizona, Dept. of Interior, 1933, 32×37 | RNM-LF-13– drawer #5 |
TX- Map of Red River with its Bayous & Lakes in the Vicinity of the Raft, Chas. A. Fuller, 1855, 24×47 | RNM-LF-14– drawer #5 |
AZ- Tucson, AZ Territory, 1880, Don Bufkin, AZ pioneers Hist. Society, 1962, 28 ½ x 21 ½ | RNM-LF-15– drawer #5 |
AZ- Tombstone, no title, RNM, brown print, 21×30 | RNM-LF-16– drawer #5 |
R.N.Mullins MSS Maps
Filed on top of cabinets in one gray box and a large folder.
These were mounted on board with mylar overlay for display
AZ- Tombstone A.T. Business Section, May 1882, from original sketch 1916, by R.N. Mullin, Toledo, Ohio, Copyright applied for 1950, mss, 17x 25, (Also a folder containing one blueprint, a printed copy and seven ozalid or photocopies.) | RNM-MSS-1 |
AZ- Tombstone Business District, (untitled), mss, 13×21 | RNM-MSS-2 |
TX- Down Town El Paso, Locations Involved in the Selman Story, 1894-1896. R.N. Mullin, 1952, mss, 20×28 | RNM-MSS-3 |
TX- Down Town El Paso, Locations Involved in the Selman Story, 1894-1896. R.N. Mullin, 1952, blueprint, 11×14 | RNM-MSS-4 |
TX- Sender & Siegenborn, Keesey’s Saloon, sketch of two buildings, prob. In El Paso, mss, 4 x17 | RNM-MSS-5 |
NM- San Augustine Ranch, Gold Camp, Organ Area. Four mss sketches, (a) Centered on San Adreas Mtn. 4½ x11 (b) Shows Organ Mtns, Gold Camp, Garret Ranch house, etc. 9½x11 (c) Goat Mtn. to Mineral Hill, Gold Camp in center 7½x9 (d) Goat Mtn. to Cox Ranch House, 7½x10½ | RNM-MSS-6 |
NM- Lincoln New Mexico, July 19, 1878, Showing Principal Locations Involved in the “Three Day Battle” Prepared by and Copyright by R.N. Mullin, mss, 12×47 | RNM-MSS-7 |
NM- Lincoln New Mexico, July 19, 1878 Showing Principal Locations Involved in the “Three Day Battle”, Prepared by and copyright by R.M. Mullin, 1956, mss, 12×23 ½. | RNM-MSS-8 |
NM- Lincoln New Mexico, Lincoln County War Period, Prepared and Copyright by R.N. Mullin, 1950, blueprint with notes, 11×36½ | RNM-MSS-9 |
NM- Principal Ranch Locations, LCW. N.M. Area, blueprint, 19×23½ | RNM-MSS-10 |
NM- Lincoln County Courthouse, April 1881, Copyright R.N. Mullin, 1962. mss, 6½ x11 | RNM-MSS-11 |
NM- Central part of Lincoln, Copyright R.N. Mullin, 1962 (no title) McSween and Tunstall Buildings, mss, 9×13 | RNM-MSS-12 |
NM- Lincoln N.M. Area, 1878, Copyright R.N. Mullin 1962, mss, 13½x17 | RNM-MSS-13 |
NM- Fort Sumner New Mexico, 1881, Copyright R.N. Mullin, upper right ¼ missing, mss, 8×10 ½ | RNM-MSS-14 |
NM- Principal Roads and Trails involved in the travels of Billy the Kid, Copyright 1965, R.N. Mullin, mss, 8½x13 | RNM-MSS-15 |
NM- Pete Maxwell’s Place (no title) showing Old Dance Hall, R.N. Mullin, 1916, Red mold on lower part, mss, 9×11 | RNM-MSS-16 |
NM- Central Lincoln ,NM. (untitled),mss, 1962, 11½x17 | RNM-MSS-17 |
NM- Portion of Lincoln, showing Wortley Corral and Stanley House in two pieces, mss,8½x 8 | RNM-MSS-18 |
NM- Untitled sketch of Lincoln with notes, blueprint, 10½x27½ | RNM-MSS-19 |
NM- Lincoln County Area , 1879, mss, 8½x 11 | RNM-MSS-20 |
NM- Penasco River with notes, mss, 8×10½ | RNM-MSS-21 |
NM- General Getty’s Map of Ft. Sumner, tracing, mss, 6×10 | RNM-MSS-22 |
NM- “Floor Plan of Old Court House, Lincoln, NM.”, A tracing of undated drawing signed T.H. (Apparently after conversion but before jail was built in rear and stairs added to front. RNM) 13×17 | RNM-MSS-23 |
14. CWW Collection Rolled Maps and Aerial Photo
- TX- West Portion of Reeves County, Land ownership map, brown print rolled, 35×85
- CO- Topographic Map of Mesa Verde National Park, Montezuma County Colorado,
1:31,250, rolled, 31.5×44 - TX- Topo/geological Map of portion of Culberson County, rolled, 31×34
- TX- Land Ownership Map, Loving and N. Reeves Counties, 1953 blueprint, rolled, 35×58
- Military- Mackenzie Map. Good print, 35×37
- TX- N. Loving and Reeves Counties, Land ownership, torn, 35x–
- TX- Parts of Texas, Mexico and New Mexico, Scouted by Lt. Col. Shafter,
24th Inf. 1875-6, x65 - Items from the CWW Collection: (See if they match a previous inventory)
- Set of blueprints. Proposed Addition to the Residence of M/M Clayton Williams, Sr.,
1981, Walter Pate. 7 sheets, 24×36 - Williams Genealogy Chart, blueprint, 24×36
- Historians and Prospectors Map of Texas, Harley and Vera Smith, 1975, 22×29
- West Wing of Texas, Original (by CWW), 24×36
- Reconnaissance of Routes from San Antonio de Bexar (to) El Paso Del Norte,
by Lt. Col Johnston, and others, 1849, incl. the Reconnaissance of Lt. Whiting,
1849. 8 brown prints (7 w/ Potions of 1869 Journal Lt. Col. Thomas Hunt. 24×25 - Plat of some portion of Ft. Stockton, 30×46
- Base Map Copied from Military Map of the Rio Grande Frontier, by Capt. Livermore, 1883,
Known as “Grierson’s Map”, linen. 20×28 - Map showing Texas River Drainage systems, somewhat damaged at edges, 34×38
Texas, General Land Office, 1959, Shows elevations of County seats and some
Pioneer trails,.32×34 - Mackenzie Map. blueprint, very good condition, 41×43
- Pecos County, a portion of in North part of County, Land Ownership Map. 45×56
- Ownership Map I.H.10 Around Fort Stockton, blueprint, 110×37
- Ownership Map Pecos County, 1963, 52×67
- Pecos County Map showing Block and Section Numbers and Oil Fields, 35×41
- Negative of Abell Fields, Pecos County, 24×32
- Map of Pecos County, Imperial Irrigation system, blueprint, by Waldo Williams, 21×49
Tracing and blueprint shows, Goodaugh Ridge, Lichenthaler Ridge, Slater Ridge,
Rosebud Flat and Property Owners, 30×46 - Aerial Photo- DWQ-2-KK-33, 11-18-68, 24×24
- Aerial Photo- DWQ-2-KK-35, 11-18-68, 24×24
- Aerial Photo- DWQ-1-KK-130 11-18-68, 24×24
- Aerial Photo- DWQ-2AA-50, 12-4-59, 27×28
- Aerial Photo- DWQ-2AA-204, 12-4-59, 27×28
- Aerial Photo- DWQ-3KK-26, 11-28-68, 38×38
- Aerial Photo- DWQ-3KK,28, 11-28-68, 38×38
- Aerial Photo- DWQ-1KK-128, 11-18-68, 24×24
- Aerial Photo- GS-CK-36-110, Photo of Oregon Ranch. Neg and photo Print, Soil Conservation
Map USDA, Clayton Williams Farm #216,7-16-56, First Union,
Approx., 8,417 acres, 17×27
15. DLT Maps
A. The Flat File (MAP-LF)
- AZ- Arizona Frontier Military Camps and Forts, 1970, Stephen Bahre, 19×24 MAP-LF, Drawer #8
- NM- Map of the Military Department of New Mexico. 1864, Gen Carleton, Series I, Vol XI, XLVIII. Horn & Wallace, 18×25 MAP-LF, Drawer #8
- AZ- Tombstone, 1882, Don Bufkin, 20.5×14 ½ MAP-LF, Drawer #8
- MO- Department of the Missouri, 1881, photocopy, 18×28 MAP-LF, Drawer #8
- AZ- Parts of Eastern and Southeastern Arizona, Western…..,Expeditions of 1871 & 1873, Lt. Wheeler, photocopy, one positive and one negative copy, 18×24 MAP-LF, Drawer #8
- MX- Official Map of the State of Sonora, Mexico, 1885, Chas. E. Herbert, 17×25 MAP-LF, Drawer #8
- NM- New Mexico (portion) Scouts of Macomb (1857), Simpson (1849), Scouts since 1872,
map dated 1875, photocopy, 18×28 MAP-LF, Drawer #8 - NM- Southwestern New Mexico, Trace No.52, 1882, photocopy, 18×28 MAP-LF, Drawer #8
- NM- District of New Mexico,1875, Lt. Morrison, (north half), one negative and one positive
copy, photocopy, 18×28 MAP-LF, Drawer #8 - US-MX- Boundary of the United States and Mexico, International Boundary Commission, 1889,
photocopy, 14×22 MAP-LF, Drawer #8 - AZ- Arizona, Scout made by apt. Mason, 1872. (portion west of Prescott, photoprint
and photocopy, 14×23 MAP-LF, Drawer #8 - AZ- Map of Arizona Territory, Gen. Willcox, 1879. photocopy, one negative and
one positive, 18×24 MAP-LF, Drawer #8
B. The Full inventory from the Dan L. Thrapp Collection
(Three file boxes with Collection)
SUB-SERIES A – NAUTICAL CHARTS (filed in long tube)
- Cabo Deseado to Isla Moir – 36×54
- Chile, Channels between Golfo Trinidad & Estrecho de Magallanes – 36×53
- Chile, Corral Bay and Rio Valdivia – 30 x 42
- Coast of Chile, Caldera to Valparaiso – 30×42
- Eastern Entrance to Strait of Magellan- 36×54
- Magellan Strait to Cape Horn – 35×46
- Magellan Strait to Islas Ildefonso – 35×46
- Punta Galera to Golfo de Penas – 30×48
- Strait of Magellan, Punta Delgado to Punta Arenas – 54×36
- Valparaiso to Valdivia (Chile) – 34×46
SUB-SERIES B – LAND MAPS (filed in long tube)
- Bolivia – Four maps – 30×39
SUB-SERIES C – MISC. MAPS: (filed in long box)
- General Chart of Alaska, Sheldon Jackson Reindeer Report, 1903 – 40×28
- General Plan of Plymouth and Dock, 1814, photocopy – 25×32
- George Hand’s Tucson, 1870-1880 – 30×30
- Grand Canyon National Park, West half – 1:48,000, 192745×41
- Grand Canyon National Park, East half – 1:48,000, 1927, 45×41
- Pencil tracing of Anza-Borrego State Park, Calif. – 26×33
- Pioneer Trails, 1541-1867, B.V. Terry, 1972, pub. by Varna – 37×45
- Portion of Apache-Sitgreaves Nat. Forest, AZ, s. of Holbrook, n. of Ft. Apache Ind. Res. – 1934, 32×55
- Yuma County, Arizona, 1964 – 24×36
- North American Indian Languages, C.F. & F.M. Voeglinl, 1966, 52×63
All DLT topo maps have been moved to the common Map Files
SUB-SERIES G – SERIES OF EARLY AMERICAN MAPS: Brown Univ, Providence, R.I. – 19×25 (filed flat in small folder)
SUB-SERIES H – MISC. MAPS (filed in flat box with topos)
- Boston, Its Environs and Harbour with the Rebels Works (photocopy)
- Britain in the Dark Ages, South Portion, 25×34
- British Isles, London, Geographia, 29×40
- Chihuahua (Mexico), 1:1000 000 scale
- Cleveland National Forest, Trabuco District
- The Course of the Delaware River (photocopy)
- Drainage Map of Arizona Showing ..streams …wetlands
- Gila National Forest, North Half
- Gila National Forest, South Half
- Great Forest Region, Routes of Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, Henry M. Stanley, 23×31, portion missing, fragile
- Solway Firth (Great Britain)
- Sonora (Mexico), 1:1000 000 scale
- South Polar Chart, 27×35, #1240, London, 1927
- Tonto National Forest, North Half
- Topographical Map of Country traversed by the command of General George Crook…1883 (photocopy)
- World Aeronautical Charts: Sonora River (471)
- Santiago Mts (470)
- CG-19 (Arizona-New Mexico)
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusets
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
- Alabama-Georgia
- Arizona-Colorado-Nevada-Utah-Wyoming
- Arizona-New Mexico
- Arizona-New Mexico-Colorado-Utah-Wyoming
- Arkansas-Louisiana-Mississippi
- California-Nevada-Arizona-New Mexico
- California-Nevada-Arizona-Utah
- Central United States
- Connecticut-Massachusetts-Rhode Island
- Dakotas-Idaho-Montana-Wyoming
- Eastern States-North
- East Texas-Oklahoma-New Mexico-West Texas
- Eastern United States
- Gulf States
- Idaho-Montana
- Iowa-Missouri-Kansas-Nebraska
- Kansas-Nebraska
- Kansas-Oklahoma
- Kentucky-Tennessee
- Massachusetts-Connecticut-Rhode Island
- Nevada-Utah-Colorado
- Nevada-Utah-Idaho
- New Hampshire-Vermont
- New Jersey-Pennsylvania
- North Dakota-South Dakota
- Northern New England:Maine-New Hampshire-Vermont
- Oklahoma-Texas
- Oregon-Idaho-Montana
- Oregon-Washington
- Pacific Coast States
- Pennsylvania-Delaware-Maryland-Virginia-West Virginia
- Pennsylvania-New Jersey
- Southern New England:Connecticut-Massachusetts-Rhode Island
- Southeastern States
- Southwestern United States
- Texas-Oklahoma-New Mexico
- United States
- Virginia-West Virginia-Maryland-Delaware
- Washington-Idaho-Montana
- Washington-Oregon
- Western United States
- Atlanta
- Atlantic City
- Barton County, Kansas
- Boston
- Cambridge (Mass)
- Chicago
- Columbus
- Denver
- Flagstaff, Arizona
- Fort Lauderdale
- Great Bend, Kansas
- Great Falls (Mont)
- Hartford
- Helena, Montana
- Kansas City
- Madison, Wisc.
- Memphis
- Minneapolis-St. Paul
- New Orleans
- New York
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- Phoenix
- Pittsburgh
- Portsmouth New Hampshire
- Prescott, Arizona
- San Antonio
- Silver City, N.M.
- Silver Springs (Fla)
- Tombstone, Arizona
- Tucson
- UCLA campus
- White Pine County, Nevada
- East Bay Cities (city)
- Imperial County
- Kern County
- Long Beach (city)
- Los Angeles (city)
- Los Angeles-Orange Counties
- Orange County
- Riverside County
- Riverside-San Bernardino (city)
- San Bernardino County
- San Bernardino Mountain Area
- San Diego (city)
- San Diego County
- San Fernando Valley (city)
- San Francisco (city)
- San Gabriel Valley (city)
- San Jose (city)
- San Luis Obispo County
- Santa Barbara County
- Tulare County
- Ventura County
- Whittier (city)
- Argentina
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Egypt
- England and Wales
- Greece
- Holy Land
- Italy
- Mexico
- New Zealand
- Saipan
- Saudia Arabia
- Scotland
- Switzerland
- Tahiti
- Crater Lake National Park
- Death Valley National Monument
- Glacier National Park
- Indian Country (Arizona-New Mexico-Utah-Colorado)
- Joshua Tree National Monument Olympic National Park
- Lake Mead
- Mesa Verde National Park
- Mid-Continent Region, Geological Highway map
- Olympic National Park
- Rocky Mountain National Park
- Sequoia and Kings Canyon
- Sequoia National Park
- Southern Rocky Mountain Region Geological Highway map
- U.S. Recreational Map (Wilderness Society)
- Yellowstone National Park
- Yosemite National Park
SUB-SERIES O – TOPOGRAPHIC MAP INDEXES (Moved to general Maps Collection)
- Arizona
- New Mexico
- Southern California
- United States
These maps have been moved to the common NGS map collection in the west room of the Library
16. JEH Highway Map File
see JEH, Series VII – City and State Highway Maps (File Box in Haley Room)
New York City
Atlanta, Georgia
Cincinnati, Ohio
Vilas County, Wisconsin
Lincoln National Forest, Sacramento Mountains
Glacier National Park
Central & Western United States
Eastern United States
Georgia, North and South Carolina
Interstate Highway Guide
North Dakota
Scenic-Land, USA
Western United States
Western-Central United States
17. Highway Maps
A. General – State Highway Maps (Oil Company)
- Multi-State (3)
- Highway Map. Shamrock County, (9 states), 1976 Edition, 25 ½ x 29 ½ MAP-LF, Drawer #6
- Highway map. Western United States Tourguide Map, Northwestern and
- Southwestern, 18×35 MAP-LF, Drawer #6
- No attempt was made to itemize these maps.
- Arizona (7) MAP-LF, Drawer #6
- Arizona-NW Mexico (6) incl. one of 1926 MAP-LF, Drawer #6
- New Mexico (9) MAP-LF, Drawer #6
- Oklahoma (15) MAP-LF, Drawer #6
- Old Mexico (3) MAP-LF, Drawer #6
- Texas (20) MAP-LF, Drawer #6
- Texas with notations by JEH. (2) MAP-LF, Drawer #6
- California (1) MAP-LF, Drawer #6
- Marion Co., Tenn. Highway Map, 1960 (2) Gift of JEH – 1985, rolled, MAP-LR
18. Aerial Photographs and Aeronautical Charts
A. Aerial Photos (NASA)
- Fort Stockton Region MAP-BX #8
- Pecos Region MAP-BX #8
These two have highways and town marked – Second from Bottom Drawer
B. Aerial Photographs (USDA)
These images are by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Production and Marketing Administration and/or the Agricultural Adjustment Administration. The general county images are dated on the left indicating the date the photo was taken and then each county falls under a three letter code (DBB, CUX). The larger photos indicate the specific location of each of the smaller images (100 or more).
County Photos are generally 20×24 in size and their scale is 1:20,000
- Borden County Texas, four photos, Sections 1-4, Oct. 1941, Symbol CUY MAP-BX #8
- Scurry County Texas, four photos, Sections 1-4. Dec. 1940. Symbol CRL MAP-BX #8
- Hansford County Texas, Section 4 only, Feb. 1942, Symbol DBB MAP-BX #8
- Hutchinson County Texas, Sections 1 & 2 only, Feb. 1942, Symbol DAW MAP-BX #8
- Gray County Texas, Section 1 only, Jan 1953, Symbol DAQ,2 MAP-BX #8
- Ochiltree County Texas, Section 3 only, Dec. 1941, Symbol DBO MAP-BX #8
- Baily County Texas, Section 1 only, Mar. 1953, Symbol CUX MAP-BX #8
Smaller photos are generally 15 ¾ x 16 ¾ and their scale is not shown.
Date and symbol
- 12-16-41, DBD-2C-34 MAP-BX #8
- 5-11-43, DAG-2C-50 MAP-BX #8
- 1-12-42, DAW-4C-117 MAP-BX #8
- 12-30-41,DBB-2C-16 MAP-BX #8
- 12-30-41, DBB-2C-14 MAP-BX #8
- 1-12-42, DAW-5C-30 MAP-BX #8
- 12-30-41, DBB-1C-44 MAP-BX #8
- 5-11-43, DAG-2C-54 MAP-BX #8
- 5-11-43, DAG-2C-92 MAP-BX #8
- 12-30-41, DBB-1C-42 MAP-BX #8
- 5-11-43, DAG-2C-56 MAP-BX #8
- 5-1-43, DAG-2C-52 MAP-BX #8
- 5-11-43, DAG-2C-94 MAP-BX #8
- 12-16-41, DBD-2C-32 MAP-BX #8
- 1-12-42, DAW-4C-103 MAP-BX #8
C. Aerial Photos of Midland
- Aerial Map of Midland, Texas, Muldrow Aerial Survey, 27×28 MAP-BX #8
- Aerial Image of Midland, Texas, 20×24 MAP-BX #8
D. Aeronautical Charts
World Aeronautical Chart, Estacado Plain, #406, 1966, 22×29 MAP-BX #9
Sectional Aeronautical Charts, 1:500.000
(Information printed on back. Chart on one side)
- San Antonio (O-5), 1950, 23 ½ x46 MAP-BX #9
- Douglas (P-3), 1948, 23×49 ½ MAP-BX #9
- Dallas, (Q-5), 1949, 23×48 ½ MAP-BX #9
- Del Rio, (O-4), 1949, 23×45 ½ MAP-BX #9
- Shreveport (Q-6), 1950, 23×48 MAP-BX #9
- Tulsa (S-6), 1951, 23×46 MAP-BX #9
- Albuquerque, (R-4), 1948, 23×47 MAP-BX #9
- Austin (P-5), 1952, 23×49 MAP-BX #9
- Corpus Christi (N-5), 1947, 23×48 MAP-BX #9
- Beaumont (P-6), 1949, 23×49 MAP-BX #9
- El Paso (P-4), 1949, 23×49 MAP-BX #9
- Phoenix (Q-3), 1949, 23×48 MAP-BX #9
- Oklahoma City (R-5), 1947, 23×47 MAP-BX #9
- Trinidad (S-4), 1950, 23×46 MAP-BX #9
- Wichita (S-5), 1952, 23×45 MAP-BX #9
- Roswell (Q-4), 1949, 23×48 MAP-BX #9
Locate this map in place Sectional Aeronautical Chart, Del Rio, 1956. 24×46
Sectional Aeronautical Charts, 1:500,000
(Evidently a new series, chart on both sides)
- Albuquerque, 1977, 21×59 MAP-BX #9
- El Paso, 1978, 21×54 ½ MAP-BX #9
- Phoenix, 1977, 21×59 MAP-BX #9
- Los Angeles, 1977, 21×55 MAP-BX #9
Operational Navigation Charts, 1:1,000,000
(This set marked as RNM Collection)
- ONC-G-18, Edition 4, 41 ½ x57 MAP-BX #9
- ONC-H-22, Edition 5, 41×57 MAP-BX #9
- ONC-G-19, Edition 3, 41×57 MAP-BX #9
- ONC-G-19, Edition 10, 41×57 MAP-BX #9
- ONC-H-22, Edition 9, 41×5 MAP-BX #9
19. National Geographic Society Map Collection
National Geographic Magazine is in fact the monthly report of the National Geographic Society and has held the interest and fascination of it’s reader-members since 1888.
The Library has combined the collections of J. Evetts Haley and Clayton Williams and Jim Bradshaw for create a “long run” collection covering the years of 1909 to 1973. Available shelf space prevents us from completing the collection to date. Some duplicate issues from Williams and all of the Thrapp issues are in storage.
We have 97 of the “One Hundred Best Special Numbers” as listed by Buxbaum.
The map and pictorial supplements have been filed separately. The collection has 152 of the 235 maps issued from 1889 to 1970 and 21 of the 34 pictorials issued between 1903 and 1957. The pictorials include five by N.C. Wyeth.
The files for the map and pictorial supplements have been set up as a complete file so that additional items may be readily filed as located. There is a “missing” list at the end of this inventory.
An inventory showing the source of each issue, map and supplement has been prepared. Portions of Edwin Buxbaum’s “Collector’s Guide to The National Geographic Magazine” are included giving detailed descriptions of the maps and pictorials.
1-1889- Oct: Asheville District.
2-1892- Feb 19: Voyages of Bering.
3-1892- Mar 21: Muir Glacier
4-1892- Mar 31: United States.
5-1893- Apr 7: Nuremburg Chronicle Map, 1493.
6-1893- Apr 7: Juan de la Cosa Map, 1500.
7-1893- Apr 7: Ruysch Map, 1508.
8-1896- Jan: Russia in Europe.
9-1896- Feb: The Orinoco River.
10-1896- Mar: Submarine Cables of the World.
11-1896- Oct: Nansen Explorations.
12-1898- Mar: The Gold and Coal Fields of Alaska.
13-1898- May: Cuba.
14-1899- Jun: Theater of Military Operations in Luzon.
15-1899- Jul: Region Adjacent to the Nicaragua Canal Route.
16-1899- Aug: South Polar Regions.
17-1899- Nov: Vancouver’s Chart No. 1.
18-1899- Nov: Vancouver’s Chart No. 2.
19-1899- Dec: Seat of War in Africa.
20-1900- Jan: Philippine Islands as the Geographical Center of the Far East
21-1900- Sep: Northeastern China
22-1902- Jan: The Philippines
23-1903- Feb: Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean for February 1903
24-1904- Jan: Alaskan Boundary Decision.
25-1904- Mar: War Map of Manchuria and Korea.
26-1904- May: Alaska.
27-1905- Feb: Chart of the World on Mercator’s Projection.
28-1905- Jun: Seat of War in Manchuria.
29-1905- Aug: Philippine Islands.
30-1905- Oct: Location of the Panama Canal.
31-1906- Jun: Cotidal Lines for the World.
32-1906- Aug: South America.
33-1906- Oct: Cuba.
34-1907- Jul: North Pole Regions.
35-1909- Mar: Africa.
36-1911- May: Mexico.
37-1912- Jan: Countries Bordering the Mediterranean Sea.
38-1912- Oct: China and its Territories.
39-1913- Feb: Central America, Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Islands of the Caribbean Sea.
40-1914- Feb: Alaska.
41-1914- May: Mexico.
42-1914- Aug: The New Balkan States and Central Europe.
43-1915- Jul: Europe and Adjoining Portions of Africa and Asia.
44-1916- Jul: Mexico.
45-1918- May: Western Theater of War.
46-1918- Dec: The Races of Europe.
47-1921- Feb: Europe Showing Countries as Established by the Peace Conference of Paris.
48-1921- May: Asia and Adjoining Europe with a Portion of Africa.
49-1921- Oct: South America.
50-1921- Dec: Mandatory Areas in the Pacific.
51-1922- Feb: Countries of the Caribbean including Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and the Panama Canal.
52-1922- Oct: Africa.
53-1922- Dec: World.
54-1923- Apr: United States.
55-1924- May: North America.
56-1925- Nov: The Arctic Regions.
57-1926- Sep: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Eastern Tennessee.
58-1927- Feb: Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia.
59-1928- Nov: Map of Discovery (Eastern Hemisphere)
60-1929- Jan: Map of Discovery (Western Hemisphere)
61-1929- Dec: Europe.
62-1930- Jan: Florida.
63-1930- Apr: Louisiana.
64-1931- May: Illinois.
65-1932- Jan: Travels of George Washington.
66-1932- Oct: Antarctic Regions.
67-1932- Dec: World.
68-1933- May: United States.
69-1933- Nov: Photographic Aerial map of New York City.
70-1933- Dec: Asia.
71-1934- Dec: Mexico, Central America and the West Indies.
72-1935- Jun: Africa.
73-1935- Dec: World.
74-1936- Jun: Canada.
75-1936- Dec: Pacific Ocean.
76-1937- Jun: Modern Pilgrim’s Map of the British Isles.
77-1937- Jul: White Mountains of New Hampshire.
78-1937- Dec: South America.
79-1938- Apr: Europe and the Mediterranean.
80-1938- Jul: Historic and Scenic Reaches of the Nation’s Capital.
81-1938- Dec: Bible Lands and the Cradle of Western Civilization.
82-1939- Apr: Reaches of New York City.
83-1939- Jul: Atlantic Ocean.
84-1939- Oct: Central Europe and the Mediterranean.
85-1939- Dec: Mexico, Central America and the West Indies.
86-1940- Mar: Classical Lands of the Mediterranean.
87-1940- May: Europe and the Near East.
88-1940- Jun: Southwestern United States.
89-1940- Dec: United States.
90-1941- Mar: Indian Ocean including Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia.
91-1941- Jun: Northwestern United States and Neighboring Canadian Provinces.
92-1941- Sep: Atlantic Ocean.
93-1941- Dec: World.
94-1942- Feb: Theater of War in the Pacific Ocean.
95-1942- May: North America.
96-1942- Jul: Theater of War in Europe, Africa and Western Asia.
97-1942- Oct: South America.
98-1942- Dec: Asia.
99-1943- Feb: Africa.
100-1943- Apr: Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
101-1943- Jun: Europe and the Near East.
102-1943- Sep: Pacific Ocean and the Bay of Bengal.
103-1943- Dec: World.
104-1944- Apr: Japan and Adjacent Regions of Asia aand the Pacific Ocean.
105-1944- Jul: Germany and its Approaches.
106-1944- Oct: Southeast Asia and Pacific Island from the Indies and the Philippines to the Solomons.
107-1944- Dec: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russia).
108-1945- Mar: The Philippines.
109-1945- Jun: China.
110-1945- Sep: Northeastern United States.
111-1945- Dec: Japan and Korea.
112-1946- Feb: Northern Hemisphere.
113-1946- Apr: India and Burma.
114-1946- Jul: United States of America.
115-1946- Dec: Bible Lands and the Cradle of Western Civilization.
116-1947- Feb: Southeastern United States.
117-1947- Jun: Canada, Alaska and Greenland.
118-1947- Oct: Countries of the Caribbean.
119-1947- Dec: South Central United States.
120-1948- Mar: Australia.
121-1948- Jun: North Central United States.
122-1948- Sep: Washington (D.C.).
123-1948- Dec: Southwestern United States.
124-1949- Apr: British Isles.
125-1949- Jun: Europe and the Near East.
126-1949- Oct: Top of the World.
127-1949- Dec: Classical Lands of the Mediterranean.
128-1950- Mar: Africa.
129-1950- Jun: Northwestern United States and Neighboring Canadian Provinces.
130-1950- Oct: South America.
131-1950- Dec: Western Europe.
132-1951- Mar: Asia and Adjacent Areas.
133-1951- Jun: United States.
134-1951- Sep: Central Europe.
135-1951- Dec: The World.
136-1952- Jan: North America.
137-1952- Jun: Southwest Asia.
138-1952- Sep: Far East.
139-1952- Dec: Pacific Ocean.
140-1953- Mar: Mexico and Central America.
141-1953- Jun: United States, Historical Map.
142-1953- Oct: China Coast and Korea.
143-1953- Dec: Great Lakes Region.
144-1954- Mar: West Indies.
145-1954- Jun: California.
146-1954- Aug: Northern Europe.
147-1954- Dec: Northern Africa.
148-1955- Mar: Eastern South America.
149-1955- Jun: New England.
150-1955- Sep: Southeast Asia.
151-1955- Dec: Atlantic Ocean.
152-1956- Apr: Washington (D.C.) Area.
153-1956- Jun: Alaska.
154-1956- Sep: United States.
155-1956- Dec: Bible Lands.
156-1957- Mar: The World.
157-1957- Jun: Europe.
158-1957- Sep: Antarctica.
159-1957- Dec: Map of the Heavens.
Indicated by Atlas Plate #. Other supplements will not have the Plate numbers.
160-1958- Jan: Southeastern United States (#8)
161-1958- Mar: Southern South America (#28)
162-1958- May: National Parks (#13)
163-1958- Jul: British Isles (#31)
164-1958- Sep: Poland and Czechoslovakia (#38)
165-1958- Nov: North Central United States (#9)
166-1958- Dec: Greece and the Aegean (#40)
167-1959- Jan: Eastern Mediterranean (#47)
168-1959- Apr: Northeastern United States (#6)
169-1959- Jun: Germany (#35)
170-1959- Jul: Alaska (#18)
171-1959- Sep: Western Soviet Union (#45)
172-1959- Nov: Southwestern United States (#12)
173-1959- Dec: Asia and Adjacent Areas (#44)
174-1960- Feb: South America (#25)
175-1960- Apr: Northwestern United States (#11)
176-1960- Jun: France, Belgium and the Netherlands (#32)
177-1960- Jul: Hawaii (#15)
178-1960- Sep: Africa (#54)
179-1960- Nov: The World (#2)
180-1960- Dec: Japan and Korea (#51)
181-1960- Dec: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, (not issued as a supplement)
182-1961- Feb: South Central United States (#10)
183-1961- Apr: Battlefields of the Civil War (#14)
184-1961- May: Southeast Asia (#49)
185-1961- Jul: United States (#5)
186-1961- Oct: Mexico and Central America (#22)
187-1961- Nov: Italy (#37)
188-1961- Dec: Canada (#19)
189-1962- Feb: The Balkans (#39)
190-1962- Apr: The Pacific Ocean (#61)
191-1962- Jun: Europe (#30)
192-1962- Aug: Washington to Boston (#7)
193-1962- Sep: Eastern South America (#27)
194-1962- Nov: Southern Africa (#57)
195-1962- Dec: West Indies (#23)
196-1963- Feb: Antarctica (#65)
197-1963- Apr: Scandinavia (#34)
198-1963- May: Southwest Asia (#48)
199-1963- Jul: Central Canada (#24)
200-1963- Sep: Australia (#59)
201-1963- Oct: Countries of the Nile (#56)
202-1963- Dec: Holy Land Today (#52)
203-1964- Feb: Northwestern South America (#26)
204-1964- Apr: North America (#17)
205-1964- May: Shakespeare’s Britain
206-1964- Jul: Greater New York, Tourist Manhattan, (#15)
207-1964- Nov: China (#50)
208-1964- Dec: Suburban and Tourist Washington, (#21)
209-1965- Jan: Viet Nam.
210-1965- Feb: The World.
211-1965- Mar: Spain and Portugal (#33)
212-1965- May: The Nile Valley (#58)
213-1965- Sep: Switzerland, Austria and Northern Italy (#36)
214-1965- Nov: Top of the World (#3)
215-1966- May: California. (#68 and #69)
216-1966- Jul: Vacationlands.
217-1966- Aug: Northwestern Africa (#55)
218-1966- Sep: Western Canada (#21)
219-1967- Feb: Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand.
220-1967- Mar: Eastern Soviet Union (#46)
221-1967- May: Eastern Canada
222-1967- Oct: Indian Ocean Floor.
223-1967- Dec: Lands of the Bible Today.
224-1968- Feb: The United States.
225-1968- Jun: Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean Floor (#62)
226-1968- Oct: Archeological Map of Middle America.
227-1968- Dec: Southeast Asia.
228-1969- Feb: The Earth’s Moon.
229-1969- Feb: The Heavens (not issued as a supplement)
230-1969- Jun: Europe.
231-1069- Oct: Pacific Ocean-Pacific Ocean Floor.
232-1970- Jan: West Indies and Central America.
233-1970- Jun: A Traveler’s Map of Italy.
234-1970- Aug: The Heavens.
235-1970- Dec: The World.
Some supplements were not issued with the magazine as supplements and are not listed here. See material from “Collector’s Guide to the National Geographic magazine by Edwin C. Buxbaum for complete descriptions.
1-1903- Nov: Wrangell Mountains, Alaska
2-1911- Apr: The Hour of Prayer: In the Sahara Desert
3-1911- Jun: Our Mountain Panorama
4-1911- Dec: The Palms (Trees)
5-1912- Feb: Birds-Eye View of the Panama Canal
6-1912- May: Majesty of the Matterhorm
7-1912- Dec: Lure of the Frozen Desert
8-1913- Apr: Ruins of an Ancient Inca Capital, Machu Picchu
9-1913- May: The Monarch of the Canadian Rockies-Robson Peak
10-1913- Jul: Doe and Twin Fawns
11-1915- Mar: Mall; Washington, D.C.
12-1915- Mar: Ultimate Washington
13-1916- Mar: Lhasa-The Mecca of the Buddhist Faith
14-1916- Apr: Oldest Living Thing (General Sherman Tree)
15-1916- May: Greatest Achievement of Ancient Man in America, the Fortress Sacsahuaman, Peru
16-1916- Nov: Alaska Brown Bear
17-1917- Aug: Babes in the Woods (Bears)
18-1918- Feb: Awe-Inspiring Spectacle of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes
19-1921- Jan: The Argosy of Geography (Sailing Ship)
20-1921- Aug: Hark (Deer)
21-1923- Feb: The Great Wall of China
22-1923- Sep: Peasant Home in Corsica
23-1926- May: Boyhood of Sir Walter Raleigh
24-1927- Nov: Vasco da Gama at the Court of the Zamorin of Calicut
25-1928- Mar: The Discoverer (N.C. Wyeth)
26-1928- May: Commander Byrd at the North Pole (N.C. Wyeth)
27-1928- Jul: Caravels of Columbus (N.C. Wyeth)
28-1928- Sep: Fate Directs the Faltering Footsteps of Columbus
29-1928- Nov: Map of Discovery (Eastern Hemisphere)(N.C. Wyeth)
30-1929- Jan: Map of Discovery (Western Hemisphere)(N.C. Wyeth)
31-1936- May: Curvature of the Earth
32-1938- Jan: Ships of the Centuries
33-1952- Jan: The Adoration of the Magi
34-1957- Nov: Mayflower II
Part Two – Maps, Pictorials and “Best Issues” missing from our Collection:
Missing from the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS – 1888-1970
1-1889- Oct: Asheville District.
2-1892- Feb 19: Voyages of Bering.
3-1892- Mar 21: Muir Glacier
4-1892- Mar 31: United States.
5-1893- Apr 7: Nuremburg Chronicle Map, 1493.
6-1893- Apr 7: Juan de la Cosa Map, 1500.
7-1893- Apr 7: Ruysch Map, 1508.
8-1896- Jan: Russia in Europe.
9-1896- Feb: The Orinoco River.
10-1896- Mar: Submarine Cables of the World.
11-1896- Oct: Nansen Explorations.
12-1898- Mar: The Gold and Coal Fields of Alaska.
13-1898- May: Cuba.
14-1899- Jun: Theater of Military Operations in Luzon.
15-1899- Jul: Region Adjacent to the Nicaragua Canal Route.
16-1899- Aug: South Polar Regions.
17-1899- Nov: Vancouver’s Chart No. 1.
18-1899- Nov: Vancouver’s Chart No. 2.
19-1899- Dec: Seat of War in Africa.
20-1900- Jan: Philippine Islands as the Geographical Center of the Far East
21-1900- Sep: Northeastern China
22-1902- Jan: The Philippines
23-1903- Feb: Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean for February 1903
24-1904- Jan: Alaskan Boundary Decision.
25-1904- Mar: War Map of Manchuria and Korea.
26-1904- May: Alaska.
27-1905- Feb: Chart of the World on Mercator’s Projection.
28-1905- Jun: Seat of War in Manchuria.
29-1905- Aug: Philippine Islands.
30-1905- Oct: Location of the Panama Canal.
31-1906- Jun: Cotidal Lines for the World.
32-1906- Aug: South America.
33-1906- Oct: Cuba.
34-1907- Jul: North Pole Regions.
35-1909- Mar: Africa.
36-1911- May: Mexico.
37-1912- Jan: Countries Bordering the Mediterranean Sea.
38-1912- Oct: China and its Territories.
39-1913- Feb: Central America, Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Islands of the Caribbean Sea.
41-1914- May: Mexico.
42-1914- Aug: The New Balkan States and Central Europe.
43-1915- Jul: Europe and Adjoining Portions of Africa and Asia.
44-1916- Jul: Mexico.
45-1918- May: Western Theater of War.
46-1918- Dec: The Races of Europe.
47-1921- Feb: Europe Showing Countries as Established by the Peace Conference of Paris.
48-1921- May: Asia and Adjoining Europe with a Portion of Africa.
49-1921- Oct: South America.
50-1921- Dec: Mandatory Areas in the Pacific.
51-1922- Feb: Countries of the Caribbean including Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and the Panama Canal.
52-1922- Oct: Africa.
54-1923- Apr: United States.
55-1924- May: North America.
56-1925- Nov: The Arctic Regions.
58-1927- Feb: Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia.
59-1928- Nov: Map of Discovery (Eastern Hemisphere)
60-1929- Jan: Map of Discovery (Western Hemisphere)
67-1932- Dec: World.
68-1933- May: United States.
69-1933- Nov: Photographic Aerial map of New York City.
71-1934- Dec: Mexico, Central America and the West Indies.
72-1935- Jun: Africa.
73-1935- Dec: World.
78-1937- Dec: South America.
79-1938- Apr: Europe and the Mediterranean.
85-1939- Dec: Mexico, Central America and the West Indies.
86-1940- Mar: Classical Lands of the Mediterranean.
89-1940- Dec: United States.
95-1942- May: North America.
98-1942- Dec: Asia.
99-1943- Feb: Africa.
103-1943- Dec: World.
181-1960- Dec: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, (not issued as a supplement)
198-1963- May: Southwest Asia (#48)
201-1963- Oct: Countries of the Nile (#56)
203-1964- Feb: Northwestern South America (#26)
204-1964- Apr: North America (#17)
207-1964- Nov: China (#50)
210-1965- Feb: The World.
221-1967- May: Eastern Canada
229-1969- Feb: The Heavens (not issued as a supplement)
233-1970- Jun: A Traveler’s Map of Italy.
234-1970- Aug: The Heavens.
1-1903- Nov: Wrangell Mountains, Alaska
3-1911- Jun: Our Mountain Panorama
4-1911- Dec: The Palms (Trees)
5-1912- Feb: Birds-Eye View of the Panama Canal
7-1912- Dec: Lure of the Frozen Desert
8-1913- Apr: Ruins of an Ancient Inca Capital, Machu Picchu
12-1915- Mar: Ultimate Washington
14-1916- Apr: Oldest Living Thing (General Sherman Tree)
17-1917- Aug: Babes in the Woods (Bears)
22-1923- Sep: Peasant Home in Corsica
23-1926- May: Boyhood of Sir Walter Raleigh
24-1927- Nov: Vasco da Gama at the Court of the Zamorin of Calicut
28-1928- Sep: Fate Directs the Faltering Footsteps of Columbus
1.1911-Jul: Reptiles of All Lands
12-1915-Aug: American Game Birds
49-1941-Dec: Working Dogs
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