Thank You!
What happens next?
- Expect an email or two immediately after you sign up. You’ll get a written thank you with your login information, and a link on how to login again.
- Secondly, you’ll receive a receipt for you purchase.
- In a year’s time, 30 days before your membership expires you’ll receive a reminder email to renew. If you don’t renew then, you’ll get one more reminder 5 days before it expires.
- If you don’t renew at that time, now worries. You can renew at anytime. Keep your login information so you can get logged in. If you don’t think you’ll remember your password just type in your email address and reset the password.
Have Questions?
Feel free to contact us at any time. If you have questions, need help or just want to introduce yourself, someone will be on hand to help new member supporters and get you pointed in the right direction.